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Systems of electronic passports of vehicles in the countries of the Customs Union

Developers: Electronic Passport (Rostec)
Branches: State and social structures,  Transport


Starting July 1, 2017, in Russia and other countries of the Customs Union, it is planned to commission the system of electronic passports of vehicles.

2023: Russians cannot get purchased cars due to cyber attack on customs

In Russia, there were delays in the issuance of new cars bought by customers by dealers. The Changan representative office linked this problem to a failure at customs caused by a hacker attack that the Federal Customs Service (FCS) reported in early 2023.

The hacker attack on the FCS as the reason for the delay in issuing passports for cars on condition of anonymity was also confirmed in one of the large car dealer holdings in St. Petersburg. They also stressed that the problem affected all imported foreign cars and applies to all of Russia.

In Russia, there were delays in the issuance of new cars by dealers

According to the Kommersant newspaper, the root cause of delays in the issuance of cars to buyers is a hitch in unloading data into the vehicle's electronic passport system on payment for waste collection. The PTS cannot be reissued to the new owner. Cars are accumulated by dealers, the volume of transactions is reduced.

Sergei Klimov, co-founder of the Dolavto motor show, noted in early June 2023 that recently there have been difficulties installing the alarm buttons of the ERA-GLONASS"" system on some Chinese cars. According to him, a number of companies install the system themselves. There is not enough buttons or time to install them. So, FAW they have been installed on the brand's cars for a month.

According to the, the first to encounter delays were the drivers of St. Petersburg, who ordered cars of the Chinese brands Changan, Chery, Exeed and Omoda and Haval. Subsequently, the Russian Automobile Dealers Association (ROAD) confirmed that due to the lack of an existing EPTS, the problem affected dealerships throughout the country.

EPTS is assigned to each car imported into Russia as soon as information about customs clearance and payment of the utilization fee is received into the system, explained Boris Ionov, Managing Director of the Electronic Passport System AS. If the information is received with a delay, the electronic passport is marked as invalid until that moment.[1]


Complete transition to electronic CATs

From November 1, 2020, only electronic vehicle passports began to be issued in Russia. At the same time, mandatory replacement of documents previously issued on paper is not required - they will act on a par with digital ones.

The Russian car system has completely switched to electronic PTS. The innovation concerns not only cars produced in the Russian Federation, but also cars imported from the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).

By a special decision of the Eurasian ekonomiche­skoy Commission, the complete transition to electronic TCP in these countries was postponed until March 31, 2021. However, in Russia, their cars are zaregistri­ruyut only if there are electronic TCPs.

In Russia, they stopped issuing paper PTS

At the same time, this registration can be carried out both by the authorized bodies of these states, which are also participants in the electronic passport system, and by the authorized bodies and organizations of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs explained.

Until March 31, 2021, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan must, through national operators, provide information on the customs document and customs restrictions on cars issued when issuing electronic passports for cars in Russia to the electronic passport system upon request, as well as provide the system with information on previously performed registration actions for the car for which the electronic passport is issued.

Russia For example, a number of new models of the Chinese brand will be supplied from Kazakhstan: it JAC is planned to launch the J7 liftback and the S7 crossover at the pred­priyatii Sary­arka­Avto­Prom. In Belo­russii, BelG some models of the brand are being assembled at the "" plant - Geely it is expected that the latest Tugella cross-coupe will be delivered to our country from there.

The difference between electronic TCP and paper in more information. It indicates certification data, information about the owners, about the policies of CASCO and OSAGO, the number of accidents with a description, maintenance, design changes and the current mileage.[2]

VTB Leasing has implemented integration with the system of electronic passports of vehicles

VTB Leasing continues to digitalize its business and launches into commercial operation the full integration of internal CRM with the system of electronic vehicle passports (SEP). This was announced on June 17, 2020 by VTB. Read more here.


In Russia, they stopped issuing paper PTS. They were replaced by electronic documents

From November 1, 2019, all cars produced in Russia began to issue electronic vehicle passports (EPTS) instead of paper ones. At the same time, paper passports will continue to operate throughout the country, and mandatory exchange is not provided.

 By early November 2019, more than 850 participants were connected to the TCP electronic system, including automakers, importers, dealers and various financial organizations. According to Avtostat, by the beginning of November 2019, more than 50 thousand electronic PTS were issued in Russia.

It is believed that an electronic document is more difficult to forge   and, moreover, it is more informative - it will be possible to trace the history of the technical condition of the vehicle from the moment it is manufactured or imported into the EAEU until disposal.

Some automakers have warned that the massive shift of Russian cars to e-passports could cause prices to soar. The reason is that paper versions of the document cost them free of charge, but you have to pay for the electronic format.[3]

Electronic TCP will lead to an increase in fraud in Russia

The introduction of electronic vehicle passports (EPTS) can provoke an increase in fraud in the market. This became known on October 22, 2019 from the publication of Kommersant, written with reference to the United Leasing Association (OLA).

The latter sent Deputy Prime Minister Maxim Akimov and the head of the Ministry of Digital Industry Konstantin Noskov a proposal to develop a service for online access to data on car registration in the traffic police. The association explained that EPTS does not prevent the theft of cars in any way, since these documents do not necessarily contain a record of the owner of the car and there is no data on its registration with the traffic police. In addition, information from the TCP is closed to third parties.

Introduction of electronic vehicle passports (EPTS) could trigger a rise in market fraud

CarPrice CEO Denis Dolmatov says that when selling on the secondary market, checking cars with EPTS is also complicated: without access to a database containing complete information about such cars, there is an opportunity for various kinds of fraud. Dealers see other difficulties when working with EPTS - with the speed of uploading and changing data in the system, says the director of Audi Avilon Renat Tyukteev.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade stressed that the main function of EPTS comes down to collecting information that is needed for the release of cars and their registration with the State Traffic Inspectorate. At the same time, neither paper nor electronic TCP is considered a document certifying the ownership of a vehicle.

The head of the department of state regulation, compliance and authorization of Alfa-Leasing, Rimma Ivaschuk, says that the loss of the owners' history is possible by October 2019, but this is accompanied by the issuance of a duplicate TCP, in which case the buyer has the right to demand a reduction in the cost of the car.

The traffic police supports the creation of an online service and is ready to participate in its development, a source familiar with Kommersant the position of the department explained. For companies, a special service will be created on the portal, public services which will allow the owner of the car to get the history of all previous owners of the vehicle.[4]

The transition to electronic TCP in Russia was delayed for a year

On October 14, 2019, it became known about the extension of the possibility of issuing paper passports of vehicles (PTS) until November 1, 2020. Earlier it was assumed that states EEU they would switch to an electronic system by November 1, 2019.

Until the new term, the transitional position will continue to operate: together with paper PTS, electronic ones are also issued, which will later become mandatory.

It became known about the extension of the possibility of issuing paper passports of vehicles (PTS) until November 1, 2020

The decision to postpone the deadlines was made by the board of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC). They explained that the postponed transition is taking place at the initiative of Belarus and is supported by the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). The extension of the deadlines will make it possible to establish interaction between the owners of paper TCP and those structures that already work with electronic passports, for example, in the banking or insurance sector, all those who work with electronic passports.

The transition to EPTS can lead to an increase in car prices. This is due to the fact that a paper passport currently costs free, and you will have to pay for its electronic version - the costs will be included in the cost of the car. Subsidies from the state could be the solution to the problem.

The EEC assured that electronic TCPs will be introduced in the EAEU countries painlessly for car owners. A full-fledged transition to an electronic vehicle passport will simplify the mutual movement of vehicles, their registration procedures for citizens, allow system participants to observe the life cycle of equipment, and government agencies to use reliable databases of a single format in all EAEU countries, the commission said.

According to TASS with reference to the EEC statement, until November 1, 2021, transitional periods have been extended for issuing paper passports of self-propelled machines and other types of equipment along with electronic passports.[5]

"KamAZ" has switched to the design of electronic PTS

As it became known on October 2, 2019, KamAZ, as one of the participants in the pilot project of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation for the transition to electronic passports of vehicles, began the procedure for their registration. Read more here.

Data of electronic passports of vehicles are integrated into EPGU

February 1, 2019 Rostec announced that JSC "" Electronic passport(part of the State Corporation Rostec) plans to provide citizens RUSSIAN FEDERATION with access to data to electronic passports transport of funds (EPTS) through Russia electronic services popular in portals, including through the unified portal "Public services" (). EPGU The corresponding order has already been Governments of the Russian Federation adopted.

Owners of vehicles through "Public services" will be able to receive information about their car from electronic passport systems, as well as enter additional data, for example, information about persons who have been transferred the right to order or use the car. The information will be provided free of charge.

The electronic passport system is ready to provide access to information as soon as the connection to the Public services portal is implemented by authorized services. Also, as of February 1, 2019, interaction with a number of other protected service portals used by a significant part of the country's population is being worked out.

Persons who are not owners will be able to obtain limited information on the car of interest to them through the portal of electronic passport systems. They will have the opportunity to verify the existence of an electronic passport for this car and the status of an EPTS (valid, incomplete, canceled, redeemed, disposed of). Also, upon request, it will be possible to find out information about the presence or absence of encumbrances and restrictions on the car. This will reduce the number of cases of fraud in the sale of vehicles.

author '= Victor Kiryanov, Rostec Infrastructure Project Director '
The integration of the electronic passport system with EPGU is another step towards the formation of a full-fledged digital economy in Russia. The State Services portal is becoming a single window service, which is constantly developing and allows the user to receive more and more data: from information about vehicles to data on the services provided by compulsory medical Public services.

Information about the owner is indicated in the EPTS with his consent and on a voluntary basis, for example, when drawing up a contract for the sale of a car from a dealer. The owner can also do this in a multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services or independently, without resorting to the help of third parties, if he has a qualified electronic signature.

The transition to the electronic passport of the vehicle does not change the usual logic of the behavior of car owners - the owner still has a sale and purchase agreement and a Vehicle Registration Certificate (STS). Among the advantages for the car owner is the ability to create and store the most complete history of the vehicle based on data from trustworthy sources, as well as the lack of the need to store a paper document. At the same time, the exchange of paper CAT for electronic is not required. Car owners with cars with paper PTS will be able to continue to use them. The circulation of passports issued earlier will not be limited to terms.

2018: Russia will completely switch to electronic TCP by July 1

In October 2017, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted a decree on the introduction of an electronic vehicle passport. The resolution was signed by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev. The implementation work will be carried out by the subsidiary of Rostec State Corporation - "Electronic Passport."

The transition to electronic CATs will be gradual

It is planned that access to the electronic TCP will be provided for traffic police officers, authorized organizations participating in the electronic passport system, as well as owners of vehicles, after they register in the Electronic Passport System. In turn, paper-based PTS will be gradually excluded from circulation, which will avoid the process of recovering lost PTS. The final transition to electronic TCP is expected to take place on July 1, 2018. After this date, "paper" passports will not be issued. However, car owners with existing paper TCPs will be able to continue using them, since there is no mandatory replacement of paper TCPs with electronic ones, Rostec explained.

The transition to the electronic passport of the vehicle will not change the usual logic of document management - car owners will still have sales and purchase agreements and, after registration, the Certificate of Registration of Transport sredstva.​

The introduction of electronic TCP is another large-scale IT project that will seriously reformat the system of registration and registration of vehicles, will make it completely "digital." In fact, all information about the vehicle, its history will be available online. The system will become more efficient and convenient - both for car owners, and for registration bodies, other services. We predict that in the first half of 2018, about half a million vehicles will already receive electronic TCP, "said Sergey Chemezov, General Director of Rostec State Corporation.

Information in electronic passports

The information, which must be specified in the electronic passport of the vehicle, and the procedure for their formation and provision are determined by the Decree. According to Rostec, additional information will contain information about the owner, technical inspection, maintenance and repair work, mileage, imposition (removal) of restrictions (encumbrances), insurance and insurance events (including information about an accident), as well as other information entered by the owner. At the same time, the provision of data on the owner is assumed on a voluntary basis - in accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data."

Thus, Russian car owners will be able to create the most complete vehicle history based on data from trustworthy sources, including information about restrictions and encumbrances (collateral, arrest, etc.), insurance and insurance cases, accidents, repairs and maintenance.

Cost of services

The Government's maximum payment for services provided by the administrator of electronic passport systems for automakers and organizations authorized to issue electronic passports will not exceed 250 rubles, while the maximum cost of services provided by authorized organizations to vehicle owners will not exceed 600 rubles.


After the transition to the use of electronic passports of vehicles in Russia, the cost savings for the purchase of TCP forms, their transportation and storage, the disposal of spoiled forms, the purchase and subsequent maintenance of office equipment will amount to at least 1 billion rubles a year. The savings in labor costs associated with the registration and introduction of changes to the paper TCP - at least 3.5 million man-hours per year, - calculated the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Denis Manturov. In his opinion, the innovation will also protect market participants from various abuses against cars, for example, when selling or buying. "

2017: Automakers ask to delay transition to electronic TCPs

In April 2017, the Kommersant newspaper announced the request of automakers to postpone the transition to electronic vehicle passports (EPTS), since this system, in their opinion, needs to be improved.

On April 12, 2017, the deputy head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Alexander Morozov, speaking at the Convention of Russian Car Dealers, said that the design of electronic TCPs would begin on July 1.

Automakers proposed to postpone the introduction of electronic PTS

Such EPTS will be issued by the automaker itself or its representative. When buying, the new car will receive an electronic TCP, the unique number of which or VIN, together with the purchase and sale agreement, will need to be informed to the traffic police inspector for registering the vehicle.

Those who deal with paper passports and those citizens who for some reason cannot exchange their paper passport for an electronic one - they will be given the full opportunity to have funds for a paper passport until the end of their life. He will be fully in circulation, - explained Morozov.

As a source in the industry told the publication, many automakers are in favor of transferring EPTS until at least 2018 for a "smooth transition and stable functioning of the system." According to automakers, there are too many uncertainties in the system - from the transfer of ownership and registration of imported cars to the need to have an electronic digital signature for owning a car.

Especially acute, according to Elena Matveeva, vice president of the GAZ group, is the issue of issuing EPTS with commercial transport refiners in small and medium-sized businesses, "many of which do not have their own information system." The group believes that the transition period should be extended "at least for six months."

The hasty introduction of EPTS without personnel training will negatively affect the car market, - said Vladimir Popov, head of the Favorite Motors Group of Companies.[6]


Regulatory documents and measures

In March 2013, Russia signed an agreement on the introduction of uniform forms of a vehicle passport and the organization of electronic passport systems on the territory of the countries of the Customs Union (Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia). According to the document, it was planned to start using electronic passports from January 1, 2015, but subsequently the launch date for electronic passport systems was postponed.

In August 2014, an agreement was signed on the organization of work on the preparation of documents and the implementation of activities necessary for the implementation of the project. The new commissioning date for the systems was July 2015. The administrator of the systems of electronic passports of vehicles, in accordance with the agreement, determined OJSC "Electronic Passport," which is part of the structure of "Rostec." As of March 2015, the company is carrying out the necessary measures to organize electronic passport systems.

As of March 2015, the Electronic Passport indicates the need to make a number of changes to Russian regulatory acts necessary for the operation of systems. According to the presentation published in March 2015, it is planned to amend the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, allowing charging for public services related to the registration of electronic passports of vehicles and amending them.

The company also requires it to be legally defined as the sole executor of the service for the implementation of the function of the administrator of electronic passport systems in accordance with procurement legislation and to determine the procedure for financing the administrator for the provision of the service at the expense of funds collected in the form of a state duty when issuing or amending an electronic passport.

Vehicle Passport Contents

From the presentation of the Electronic Passport company, determined by the administrator of electronic passport systems, it follows that it is planned to register several types of electronic passports: an electronic passport of a vehicle, an electronic passport of a vehicle chassis and an electronic passport of a self-propelled machine and other types of equipment.

Like paper passports, the vehicle's electronic passport will have a unique number. It should contain the identification features of the vehicle (such as the name and category of the vehicle, model and engine number, body color, date of manufacture, etc.), information about insurance, mandatory technical inspections, etc. It is assumed that the passport will have various statuses: a valid electronic passport, incomplete, canceled, redeemed, as well as an electronic passport of a disposed vehicle.

Registration and introduction of amendments to the electronic passport

The "last instance" for issuing and amending electronic passports of vehicles, according to the presentation "Electronic Passport," should be the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is planned to amend the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, allowing its structures to charge a fee for these services. To issue an electronic passport, it is proposed to set the duty at 800 rubles, and for making changes - 350 rubles, which corresponds to the amount of duties for paper passports.

Provide access rights to electronic passport systems and accompany the process of initial registration and filling of electronic passports will be "Electronic Passport," follows from the company's presentation on the project.

In addition to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, authorized organizations (for imported vehicles, chassis, self-propelled vehicles), vehicle manufacturers (for new vehicles, chassis, self-propelled vehicles), as well as electronic passport administrator units (for vehicles and self-propelled vehicles in operation) will also be able to access the systems.

Information resources of electronic passport systems

From the presentation of the Ministry of Industry and Trade on the systems of electronic passports of vehicles, it follows that they will be able to interact with systems containing data on technical inspections (maintenance operators, maintenance stations), data on payments (customs and tax authorities), OSAGO and CASCO insurance systems, systems with data on accidents (registration authorities, insurance companies), etc.

Benefits of ePassports

In the presentation "Electronic Passport," as the advantages of using electronic passports of the vehicle, a reduction in the time for the provision of vehicle registration services, the withdrawal of paper passports from circulation and the associated reduction in costs from the budget, optimization and transparency of the formation of TRP and OSAGO data, improvement of the quality of management decisions, the formation of statistical data for various purposes, etc.

It also notes that the introduction of electronic passports is "a real step towards information integration in the customs union." Electronic passports will simplify the procedures for customs clearance and release of vehicles.