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In JSB Svyaz-Bank the solution of visual managerial supervision based on Luxms BI is implemented

Customers: Sviaz-Bank

Moscow; Financial services, investments and audit

Contractors: Luxms
Product: Luxms BI

Project date: 2016/01  - 2016/05

Luxms Group announced in the summer of 2016 the project on implementation of the industry software solution for Visual managerial supervision in JSB Svyaz-Bank. Providing to the management of bank of operational monitoring of key indicators of business and support of acceptance of management decisions was a project objective.

The solution for Visual managerial supervision is developed based on the information and analytical Luxms BI platform and includes opportunities for end-to-end control of standards, visualization of key indicators of business on dashboards (deshborda) of the head, traffic light indication, managerial detailing for search of the prime causes of these or those changes.

Within implementation by the end of the first half of the year 2016 the visual reporting under the directions Obshchebank and Retail Business was provided to the top management of bank.

Among all-bank indicators the following priority groups were selected: gross indicators (assets, liabilities, clients, profit), profitability indicators and also indicators of execution of plans. On retail business on control indicators on deposit, credit products, reserves and risks were delivered.

Dynamic and regional view of indicators with support of regional divisions of bank, including on the map is configured.

The solution works in the protected internal corporate network with the PC via the browser and in the customized application on iPad tablets.

The industry bank solution also allows to provide visual control of indicators of the investment block and treasury, IT, risks and to VIP clients.