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The Ministry of Finance will simplify the receipt of subsidies from the budget. For this, a special online platform is being prepared

Customers: Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

Moscow; State and social structures

Project date: 2021/01  - 2022/01


The Ministry of Finance will simplify the receipt of subsidies from the budget. For this, a special online platform is being prepared

Elena Gromova, the director of the department of IT of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, speaking at the TAdviser SummIT conference on November 23, 2021, told about creation of the uniform platform of granting measures of financial support. The department began to implement this project in 2021 together with the Ministry of Digital Affairs.

Elena Gromova on TAdviser SummIT

Elena Gromova recalled that she was 10 years old for the Electronic Budget project. During this time, about half a million participating users, more than 700 end-to-end business processes appeared in it. Initially, the audience of the project was made up of financial units of the main managers of budget funds, but then it expanded to institutions, subjects of the Russian Federation, municipalities. There are already many legal entities, individuals, individual entrepreneurs.

And when we talk about changing the principles of public administration, about introducing a client-centric approach, the government was tasked with us so that we would turn to face our audience, "said Elena Gromova.

Slide from the presentation of Elena Gromova

Now the Ministry of Finance is implementing a project to ensure transparency and the effectiveness of state support for the Russian economy. It requires transparency in the provision of subsidies and an assessment of the results achieved, for which support measures have been provided.

For this, a single platform for the provision of subsidies is being created, which is based on the principles of targeted information. In the personal account on the portal of public services, the legal entity, depending on its form of ownership, sphere of activity, tax status, will receive targeted information about state support measures that could be of interest to him. And, if there is such an interest, then you can send an application for subsidies online. At the same time, an 80% application will be generated automatically, using information already available in the system.

Most of the checks that need to be carried out to obtain a subsidy, for example, the check that there is no debt to the budget, will also be carried out automatically. All this is organized through interaction with other information systems. And the whole process is going on paperless.

Slide from the presentation of Elena Gromova

In the center of the architecture of this electronic platform is structured information about all subsidies. It was necessary to digitize each subsidy, structure the data, determine what is the specific result, Elena Gromova explained. And those who are focused on these support measures are identified. With this information, you can configure intelligent information algorithms.

The site has an open, public part, which can be accessed from a single portal of the budget system. It contains a personal account for both the applicant for receiving the subsidy and the chief manager of the budget, who organizes his procedures, taking into account her specifics. Experts evaluating applications, members of the competition commission also work there.

The composition of a single platform for the provision of state support measures. From the presentation of Elena Gromova

The site should be launched on January 1, 2022. Its use will be mandatory for a number of subsidies, the list of which will be established by the government. And the format of receiving other subsidies can be chosen at will. After 2022, the functionality of the site will expand, extending to the fact that this applies not only to the federal budget, as well as subsidies provided from the budgets of subjects, municipal budgets.

For a legal entity in one place, all information will be collected on all measures in which he could participate, which he could be interested in, "summed up Elena Gromova.

To assess after whether a subsidy was needed or not, it is supposed to structure information on specific, measurable results of the subsidy and further - analysis of information during the monitoring of the achievement of results with analysis of statistics for past periods and characteristics of the industry as a whole. With this, you can already go to the tools of evidence analytics and draw reasonable conclusions: are those support measures provided.