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Informzashita developed the concept of cybersecurity for Minpromtorg of Russia

Customers: Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation (Minpromtorg)

Contractors: Informzashita

Project date: 2014/11

On December 4, 2014 in Minpromtorg of Russia protection of research works was carried out. Subjects of reports concerned questions of information security. Informzashita submitted the concept of cybersecurity which is specially developed for the ministry which was protected by the head of the company Sergey Sherstobitov and a team of architects of the project.

At protection of research works there were also representatives of Department of information technologies and public relations to which duties information security support of Minpromtorg of Russia, the representatives of Administrative department who are the main users of processing systems of personal data of Minpromtorg of Russia and also Department of the state regulation of the foreign trade activity performing functions of GIS operator belongs.

Reports of participants were devoted to development of a technique organizational and the equipment of a comprehensive protection of personal data of Minpromtorg, in particular, development of offers on the organization of a system of protection of PDN. Also it was talked of development of offers on creation of a complex information and analytical system of data protection from leakages of confidential character, creation of the information and technology device and standardization of processes of providing Information Security of Minpromtorg.

Experts of Informzashita read in the report the offers concerning creation of an end-to-end system of protection against the information leaks of confidential character and the system of personal data protection processed in the ministry.

"Results of accomplishment of these research works will allow us to reach qualitatively new level of information security support in Minpromtorg of Russia corresponding to the modern level of development of technologies in this area. Besides, for us as for executive authority, fulfillment of requirements of the state regulators in information security field is essentially important. The practices received as a result of execution of works will allow us to conform to these requirements fully", – the associate director of Department of information technologies and public relations of Minpromtorg of Russia Dotsenko Svetlana Yurevna noted.