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Qlik (QlikTech)


Qlik is an American business intelligence (BI) software developer.

Thoma Bravo
Financial results
2010 year
Revenue: 226.5 millions



+ Qlik (QlikTech)

Business in Russia

At the end of 2008, QlikTech entered the Russian market.


The QlikTech company conducts the activity in Russia since 2009, cooperating with the leading system integrators - such as:

During the period from 2009 to 2011, the company implemented a business intelligence platform QlikView in various enterprises of the banking, retail and pharmaceutical industries, as well as in the field of insurance. Previously, the company's business analysis solutions were sold exclusively through the partner network, but since April 2012, QlikTech has been implementing a combined sales model: now the QlikView solution can be purchased both through partners and directly in QlikTech.

In 2012, QlikTech plans to increase its presence in the enterprise market. In particular, as part of the expansion of activities, the company was replenished with specialists who are directly responsible for sales in the large business segment. The tasks of the company's new experts will include the development of direct relations with customers in a number of key vertical sectors of the market. These include, inter alia, the banking sector, telecommunications, energy, the oil and gas industry, as well as state organizations. Direct interaction with QlikTech will allow the company's customers to access the vendor's methodology, as well as the accumulated international experience in large projects.

The activities of the QlikTech will focus on the development of a partner network and client base. Special attention will also be paid to the targeted expansion of the sales channel through pre-sales support and partner training.

"In 2012, our priority will be to work actively with partners and strengthen relations with Russian representatives of large businesses," said Alexey Artemenko, regional director of the QlikTech for Russia and the CIS. - In 2012, we will concentrate on Moscow and St. Petersburg, where partnerships have already been established, as well as enter new markets that have shown interest in our solution. QlikView I am sure we have every chance to become a significant player in the Russian business analytics market in the future. "
"Russia is a very important market for QlikTech," said Vincent Peters, regional vice president and managing director of BREEMEA, QlikTech. - For the last three years, the presence of QlikTech in the Russian market has been very productive for the company. Now we are seeing a demand for a QlikView solution, including from large companies. Thanks to the combined model of interaction with customers and the help of our partners, we will be able to achieve even more significant results in the Russian market. "

2012: Business QlikTech in Russia grows by more than 100% per year

Over the past three years, the revenue of the developer of business analytics solutions QlikTech in Russia has shown growth rates in three-digit indicators year-on-year, said TAdviser Alexey Artemenko, regional director of the company in Russia and the CIS in October 2013.

One of the drivers of business growth in Russia, according to Artemenko, is sales not only through partners, but also work with large customers directly.

The company has managers responsible for working with large organizations of the banking sector, with government agencies, with energy, transport companies and others. Supply contracts with such customers are concluded through a partner, however, in fact, this can be called direct sales, explains the director of QlikTech in Russia and the CIS.

Two years ago, QlikTech doubled its partner base in Russia, and as of the fall of 2013, the company's partner network has more than 20 companies, says Alexey Artemenko. In 2013, QlikTech put more emphasis on the quality of existing partners, rather than expanding the network, he adds.

Another business driver in Russia in QlikTech is called the growth in demand for business analytics solutions in Russia - both in large business and in the SMB segment. According to TAdviser, in particular, the volume of the BI solutions market in Russia at the end of 2012 amounted to 43,125 billion rubles, having increased by 25% over the year.

The largest client in Russia as of the fall of 2013 in QlikTech is called Alfa Insurance, where the number of licenses for an analytical solution QlikView exceeds 1.3 thousand. A number of well-known companies in the retail, distribution, oil and gas sector are at the stage of finalization of the decision to purchase a BI solution, QlikTech adds Artemenko, without revealing their names.

Alexey Artemenko adds that Russia is for QlikTech one of the fastest growing markets in the EMEA region, along with other countries of Eastern Europe, as well as a number of countries in the Middle East and Africa. According to the results of 2012, the company's global revenue growth amounted to 21%, to $388.5 million.

In February 2012, the head of the company in Russia spoke more about the company's activities in an interview with TAdviser: Alexey Artemenko: Business Discovery is a DIY-style business analytics.

2014: Interview with Head of Representative Office in Russia

In May 2014, TAdviser gave an interview to Qlik (QlikTech) Regional Director for Russia and the CIS: Alexey Artemenko: Qlik Sense will become a new word in the BI systems market


2022: IPO Exit

On January 11, 2022, Qlik informed TAdviser that it had confidentially submitted to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) a draft registration statement for the initial public offering of ordinary shares (IPO).

Qlik goes to IPO

The number of shares to be offered and the price range of the proposed offering will be determined later. Qlik expects to complete the public offering of shares after the SEC review process taking into account market and other conditions.


Purchase of an automated machine learning provider without Big Squid code

On October 11, 2021, Qlik announced TAdviser the acquisition of a Big Squid supplier of code-free automated machine learning (AutoML). The solution will provide additional advanced analytics capabilities such as Key Impact Analysis, Predictive Analytics, and What-If Planning using API artificial intelligence Qlik-deployed forecasting models. The terms of the transaction were not disclosed. Qlik will provide full support for all existing Big Squid customers, many of which are also Qlik customers. More. here

Acquisition of a Swedish metadata management solution developer NodeGraph

On August 13, 2021, Qlik announced to TAdviser the acquisition of NodeGraph, a developer of customized metadata management solutions. Integration of the solution of NodeGraph will expand possibilities of the integration Qlik platform due to interactive display of origin of these (Data Lineage), the analysis of efficiency and data management (data governance). More details here.

2020: Knarr Analytics Analyst Collaboration Developer Acquisition

On August 25, 2020, Qlik announced the acquisition of Knarr Analytics, a company and intellectual property.

According to Qlik, the acquisition of Knarr Analytics will contribute to the development of cloudy analytical the Qlik platform in the direction of active analytics, when technologies and processes launch direct actions on a data real-time basis in order to accelerate the delivery of business results throughout the supply chain of analytical value. The terms of the transaction are not disclosed. More. here


Purchase of Attunity Big Data Management Software Developer

On February 21, 2019, Qlik announced the acquisition of a developer ON to manage big data Attunity for $560 million. The entire amount will be paid from the buyer's own funds (part of the money will be provided by and) banks Morgan Stanley , Goldman Sachs that is, without attracting his shares. More. here

Crunch Data Chat Bots Developer Purchase

At the end of January 2019, Qlik announced the acquisition of Crunch Data, but did not name the value of the transaction. Under the terms of the agreement, the buyer will receive a chatbot CrunchBot for data analysis, as well as a team of experienced specialists in the field of artificial intelligence. More details here.

2018: Purchase of enterprise data management software developer Podium Data

At the end of July 2018, Qlik announced the acquisition of enterprise data management software developer Podium Data. More details here.

2017: Acquisition of Idevio, a geographic software provider

In early January 2017, Qlik announced the acquisition of Idevio, a provider of geographic software to support decision making and resource planning. It is planned that the IdevioMaps extension, which includes Idevio GeoAnalytics for QlikView and Qlik Sense, will be rebranded to Qlik GeoAnalytics in the second half of 2017 and integrated into Qlik Sense.

2016: Qlik sold to Thoma Bravo for $3 billion

In early June 2016, it became known about the sale of Qlik in private hands. Thus, the owners of the company succumbed to investor pressure.

Thoma Bravo, a private investment firm, buys a major manufacturer of business intelligence and data visualization solutions. The value of the transaction will be about $3 billion or $30.5 per share of Qlik, which is 40% more than the average exchange value of the company's securities for the 10-day period ended March 3, 2016.

In early spring, the Elliott Management hedge fund publicly called on Qlik owners to sell the company. As of the end of March 2016, Elliott owned a 10.8% stake in Qlik.

According to Reuters, Qlik added to the list of software manufacturers that were sold to private investors under pressure from Elliott. Compuware, Riverbed Technology, Blue Coat Systems and Informatica suffered the same fate at one time.

After the announcement of the sale of Qlik, the company's shares rose in price by several percent, falling short of the proposed Thoma Bravo $30.5. Over the past year, vendor quotes have fallen by 9%.

It is planned to close the sale of Qlik to Thoma Bravo in the third quarter of 2016, after which the corporate software manufacturer will leave the Nasdaq exchange. The company became public in 2010. Morgan Stanley was selected as Qlik's financial adviser under the deal, and Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom and Gunderson Dettmer Stough Villeneuve Franklin & Hachigian will provide legal assistance.

Thoma Bravo will pay for the purchase of Qlik in cash. The company's headquarters will remain in Radnor (PA, USA).

The analyst of Brean Capital Yun Kim considers "very uninviting" the sum at which estimated Qlik.

We are somewhat surprised by the low value of the transaction, which, in our opinion, could have a profound impact on the assessment of other public and private business analytics manufacturers, "said Yoon Kim.[1]

2014: 31,000 customers in 100 countries

For 2014, Qlik and partners worldwide provide support to over 31,000 customers in more than 100 countries.

With the QlikView Business Discovery platform, users can combine different data sources and create dynamic, visual applications with intuitive navigation and search capabilities. The QlikView is based on the concept of Natural Analytics, in which the search and processing of information is carried out on the principle of the natural course of human thinking.

2012: New Partner Certification Program

On March 20, 2012, QlikTech announced the launch of a new certification program to help partners around the world stand out among competitors in the growing Business Discovery platform market. The new program of certification on QlikView 11 which there can pass participants of the partner Qonnect program allows to confirm knowledge and skills of partners of QlikView and also understanding and experience with the Business Discovery platform from QlikView of specific experts. As a result, an extensive ecosystem of third-party organizations will be formed to help customers QlikView build comprehensive and reliable Business Discovery solutions.

QlikView 11 Certification Program, comprising three categories:

  • the certified designer QlikView (QlikView Certified Designer),
  • the certified QlikView developer (QlikView Certified Developer) and
  • the certified QlikView system administrator (QlikView Certified System Administrator) - demands passing of the recommended classroom classes, performance of practical exercises and experience on real projects. To obtain a certificate, specialists must pass one or more exams. Each of the exams allows you to QlikTech evaluate the knowledge and skills acquired by a partner, and also provides partners with the opportunity to compare their skills with the established reference level of competence.

Prior to the launch of the certification program under QlikView 11, QlikTech conducted beta testing of the new program, which was attended by over 900 people from around the world. This demonstrated not only scalability, but also high demand for the program among QlikTech partners.

As of April 2012, the company's branches are located in more than 100 countries. More than 24 thousand customers worldwide use QlikTech solutions.

2011: Course on Business Discovery

As of 2011, QlikTech denotes its niche as Business Discovery systems, and sees companies of all sizes from any segment as customers. "Business openings" is a trend where business users want not just to receive information in the form of standard static reports, but to analyze data related to their area of ​ ​ responsibility. This is Business Discovery - a user-centric analytics.

Imagine watching a movie at home. If you want to know something about one of the actors, you go to the Internet, set his name in the search engine and get a whole list of various information. You started with one question, but you also pulled from it; so you will learn more about the topic of interest to you. Now imagine that we have moved this principle to the workplace. If you give business users the ability to look for information about their activities and not just answer the questions they ask, but really explore the business, that's what we call Business Discovery. Learning something new about business every day, people work more productively.


Revenue growth by 44% to $226 million

At the end of 2010, the company's revenues grew by 44% and amounted to $226.5 million. Over the past year, the company managed to attract about 5,000 new customers, and the number of QlikTech employees increased by almost 20%.

More than 570,000 people are users of QlikTech products, they work in more than 14,000 client companies from more than 100 countries. The company has 530 employees in 22 offices in 12 countries, as well as more than 1,100 partners around the world.

In 2010, the company offers version QlikView 9.0.


In the summer of 2010, the company held an initial offering of shares on the NASDAQ exchange, which was recognized by experts as the most successful post-crisis IPO among technology companies.

Qlik exit to the exchange

1993: Establishment of a company in the scientific park of Sweden

In 1993, QlikTech was established in Sweden, in Ideon, one of the oldest scientific parks in the world, with an office in the city of Lund. Among her first developments was a tool for analyzing multivariate data. In the process of working on it, the company realized that they were able to find a solution in which many organizations around the world feel the need. Over time, this led to the emergence in the market of patented QlikTech technology for associative data processing in RAM. The new software product was called QlikView.

In 1997, QlikTech released QlikView 3.15, which could be installed on a regular PC.

By 2004, QlikTech already had more than 1,500 customers around the world.
