Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Bosnalijek (Bosnalek)





The pharmaceutical company Bosnalijek (Bosnalek) was founded in 1951 in the city of Sarajevo and is industrial producer of medicines in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In a global portfolio of the company there are more than 150 original and dzhenerikovy medicines.

Production capacities of Bosnalijek are located in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the city of Sarajevo and include: the research center, laboratories, the production body of firm, semisolid and liquid forms and the automated warehouse based on the IT-system of management of storage of SAP.

The company conducts operating activities in 14 countries of Central and Southeast Europe, the CIS (including Russia) and Southwest Asia. Occupying a big share in sales pattern of the company in the region, the Russian Federation is the center of the uniform business unit Eurasia including also the CIS countries, Georgia and Ukraine. The Bosnalijek company of one of the first among the international pharmaceutical companies underwent the Russian GMP inspection of production and received the appropriate certificate confirming compliance to quality requirements of production. Production Bosnalijek is equipped with a single system of quality control and conforms to the international standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and also GMP and GLP.

Business in Russia

The representative office of Bosnalek in Russia was open in 2003.


2018: A pilot project on online monitoring of sales

The pharmaceutical producer of Bosnia and Herzegovina of Bosnalek and the Russian pharmacy chain "Neofarm" signed on July 25, 2018 the agreement on providing data of online cash desks in connection with entry into force of law 54-FZ on use of the cash registers. Transition to the updated reporting format in full will happen from the fourth quarter 2018. Read more here.