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The expert in the field of B2B-market researches. Thanks to the researches MarketsandMarkets it is possible to count probable scenarios which will have an impact on 70% to 80% of revenues of the world companies.
Number of employees
2017 year

For fall of 2017 of MarketsandMarkets services 5000 clients worldwide, including 80% of the global companies entering the list of Fortune 1000. Nearly 75,000 top managers cooperate in eight industries MarketsandMarkets worldwide.

In MarketsandMarkets - 850 regular analysts who monitor the world markets. MarketsandMarkets specializes in business studies of the different markets with high growth rates, advanced technologies and new applications. Connection more than 200,000 markets in the whole chains promotes as formation of the broad picture concerning the world market, and to the solution of private analytical tasks.