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What does a monument of architecture look like in modern Moscow? Gastrocquartal "Depot Forest"

01.07.21, 16:09, Msk

The Lesnaya Depot gastronomic quarter is a unique example of a combination of a successful modern project and carefully restored historical and architectural heritage located in the interiors of the former Miussky tram park on Lesnaya Street What does an architectural monument look like in modern Moscow? Gastroquartal Depot Forest.

"Depot" rapidly gained popularity with both Moscow fashionistas and guests of the capital. In many ways - due to its approach to the organization of space and conceptuality. Unlike many projects focusing on the leisure component, the Depot concept also had a place for the social agenda.

{{quote 'The concept of "Depot" immediately laid down the principle of socially responsible business. It is important for us to work in such a way that our project not only creates comfortable living conditions, but also significantly affects the development of urban infrastructure and generally improves the quality of life of our city, "said Vladislav Yusupov, a businessman and representative of the Kiev Square Group of Companies, who initiated and inspired the creation of a gastroquartal. }}

But not least, the attractiveness of the Depot is explained by the interiors and architectural appearance. Mius Depot is a real open-air museum. On the facades of the red brick ensemble buildings, decorative friezes, shaped blades, fillets, attics, arcade belts have been preserved. In the fourth structure on the territory - cast-iron cast window frames of the late XIX century, historical railings and staircase fences, and in the third - a unique metlach tile of the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. The ensemble of the Miussky depot reflects the idea of ​ ​ its era - "to build factories as palaces." The so-called "brick style" of industrial development of that time combines the traditions of Russian architecture with elements of Romanesque and Gothic architecture.

In 2014, the depot was closed, in 2016 the architectural ensemble received the status of an object of cultural heritage. In 2017, thanks to the initiative of Vladislav Yusupov, a careful restoration began in the Miussky depot, which was carried out under the control of the Moscow Department of Cultural Heritage. It used archival photographs, historical documents and original drawings. Each building of the Miussky depot managed to return its historical appearance. During the work, more than 2500 square meters of window and door fills were replaced; restored more than 20,000 square meters. m of brick walls, and in search of 300,000 rare samples of large bricks organized a special expedition in the Ivanovo, Vologda and Vladimir regions; About 10,700 square meters of pavements were replaced using natural stone and asphalt, as well as over 17,000 square meters of roofing. Unique cast-iron window frames were restored, lost brick arches, lintels, columns and brick decorative elements were restored.

The Lesnaya Depot gastroquartal is an amazing case in the modern history of Moscow, when the historical architectural heritage harmoniously introduced new content, radically changing its orientation, becoming larger and richer, without losing value, without simplifying to the level of "just a platform." The Mius tram depot - now simply "Depot" - is not just an architectural monument and a historical monument that witnessed the emergence of modern public transport in the capital, but a living, developing urban space that has become an important element in the life of Muscovites.
