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Vasilyev Alexander Borisovich
Vasilyev Alexander Borisovich



With honors graduated from Ural Federal University majoring in "Management of the organizations. Management of service".


Alexander worked at executive positions in Skaynet companies, "ER-Telecom Holding" and "Urals-Trans Telecom".

came to Rostelecom in May, 2017 to a position of the project manager, then headed department of construction of technical infrastructure of MRF "Ural".

2020: Technical director Rostelecom South

Alexander Vasilyev is appointed to the position of the technical director of macroregional branch "Yug" of PJSC Rostelecom. In this status he will be responsible for a status and development of network infrastructure of the company in the Southern Federal District and North Caucasus federal district and also for technical implementation of federal and regional target programs. Rostelecom South reported about it on June 19, 2020.

the Southern regions are interesting by a various landscape, dense population and dynamically developing economy. In total these factors are a professional call for us as command on which providing the population with the Internet, business and the state depends. It is very important to continue to develop the macroregion and not to reduce rates of digitalization, without looking what difficulties. I am sure that our command will be able to resolve any issues and to answer any calls, – Alexander Vasilyev, the technical director of MRF "South" of PJSC Rostelecom noted.


During operating time in the Urals Alexander directly implemented federal projects within the national programs "Digital Economy of Russia" among which "Elimination of digital inequality", "Connection to the Internet of socially important objects", "The safe city" and others and also headed construction of network infrastructure in regions and ensured its stable functioning.

Alexander is a good technical manager in the company and his experience will strengthen the southern command of Rostelecom. The pandemic of a coronavirus showed us that in the period of such phenomena the operability of the whole country, life and human health, welfare of internal economy depends on optic communication. Therefore our role in this process requires a bigger responsibility and dynamism. It is sure that together with Alexander we will cope, – Denis Lysov, the vice president – the director of macroregional branch "Yug" of PJSC Rostelecom commented.

Sergey Onyanov who was earlier holding this position, passed into the corporate center of the company to a position of the director of digital infrastructure Block of technical infrastructure.