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Jimdo Designer of the websites

Developers: Jimdo
Last Release Date: October, 2014
Technology: CMS - Content management systems,  SaaS is the Software as service


Jimdo is free SaaS service using which any user can create to himself the website with the integrated online store. For this purpose users of Jimdo do not need special knowledge of web programming. Founders of Jimdo are three young entrepreneurs: Christian Springub, Fridtjof Detzner and Matthias Henze. The Jimdo service is founded in 2007, now there are 11 language versions, more than 8 million websites are created.

In November, 2010 in Jimdo 3 new language versions Portuguese, Dutch and Polish appeared. At the same time, the quantity of the registered websites which were created in this system exceeded a mark of three million. And one more important event connected with number "Three": Jimdo company was founded three years ago — during this time businessmen from Gambruga consciously aimed at internationalization of the product.

Three million websites registered in a system, 11 language versions and more than 20 thousand online stores (an opportunity to create shops in Jimdo appeared since February, 2010) are what was reached by the designer of the websites Jimdo of everything in three years of the existence. Thanks to new language versions this service became available to a bigger number of users around the world. And it is not a limit yet: now work on new language versions is conducted.

In March, 2011 the designer of the websites Jimdo celebrates not only the fourth birthday, but also creation 3.5 million websites, and also creation of 30 thousand online stores (the module "online store" on this platform was exactly 1 year old).

The module developed about a year ago "online store" using which users can easily create the shop also sums up the results of the first year of work: on the Jimdo platform for the last 12 months more than 30,000 shops were created, more than 300,000 goods are offered to sale, owners of shops earned more than 7.5 million euros from sale of these goods through the online stores.

In May, 2011 4 million websites Jimdo among which there are 40,000 online stores at once purchased mobile version. The German designer of the websites Jimdo made it for the clients: each website automatically received mobile version. Besides, visitors of online stores can shop from the mobile devices now.

In order that use of mobile versions of the websites created on Jimdo was most convenient, founders of Jimdo made possible applications connection, the users installed on smartphones. For example, when using the card from Google on the website Jimdo, the corresponding application on the mobile device of the visitor of the website will automatically be activated. And the user can use vuyes functionality which it offers, for example to calculate a route, from the point of appointment specified on the website to the place necessary to it. Connection of other applications is going to be made in the near future.

On February 21, 2012 by the fifth birthday of the designer of the websites Jimdo based on this system the five-million website was created. In each country of the world there is at least one website created on Jimdo. Permanent growth of service will continue further, it is promoted by joint projects with Google in Japan and Mexico and also, not stopping work on improvement of service. Growth of service means also growth of the company: during the first half of 2012 20 new employees will be employed, the area of office in Hamburg will increase from 750 to 1400 sq.m.

In February, 2013 to the designer of the websites Jimdo six years were performed. More than 8 million created websites, 6 years of successful work and offices in four different corners of the world – the companies are what to be proud, summing up the results by the sixth day of the birth. More than 3 years the firm founded by Fridtjof Detzner, Matthias Henze and Christian Springub and conceived as the startup, independently finances the development and is completely self-sustaining. Besides, for the last 18 months the Jimdo command doubled – from 70 to 140 people – and at present is completely occupied with development of innovations for users of service.

Service for creation of the websites continues to develop. On the Jimdo platform more than eight million websites are created, and growth of audience only for last year was 60%. During this time at users of Jimdo the preferences were developed. The built-in possibility of demonstration of images is most popular – only in 2012 nearly 15 million graphic files were loaded. In total more than 136 million different modules were used: texts, goods, articles of the blog and gallery of images. According to the statistics, every second on Jimdo 4.32 modules are loaded.

Templates for mobile version of the websites

The free designer of the websites Jimdo announced in the summer of 2012 that he gave to 6 million users an opportunity to configure appearance of the websites for mobile devices.

"In May, 2011 all websites created using Jimdo service (now it is more than 6 million websites), had mobile version. At the same time, creators of the websites for this purpose did not need to do anything, mobile version was created automatically for each website, – one of founders of Fridyyov Dettsner company (Fridtjof Detzner) says. – Now we made possible to select different templates for mobile version of the website, and the type of a template in mobile version does not depend on what template is set on the normal version".

Internal statistics of Jimdo service confirms a world trend of "a mobile boom": more than 15% of visits of the paid websites created using Jimdo are produced from mobile devices. At the beginning of 2012 such visits were 60% less.

"By this moment we created 6 individual templates for mobile versions of the websites, – Detsner says, – but it only the beginning, further we are going to develop this direction more deeply. For us it is very important to give to our users the chance to create individual mobile versions of their websites".

Updating of Jimdo of summer of 2014

Service completely updates a system and represents new Jimdo with the unique editor of styles, the modern, completely configured templates and the fast, intuitive user interface. This step the company brings creation of the websites using the designer to absolutely new level.

The new editor of styles became one of the most important innovations of this release. It completely changes standard idea of the websites made using the designer. The new editor of Jimdo styles allows to configure completely design of the website to taste of the owner. Using this tool it is possible to stylize all parts of the website, changing color, the size, fonts, a background and other modules. All changes can be made in the browser and at once to see them on the website. If necessary it is possible to return to initial settings by one click.

The design of the user interface Jimdo was also updated. It became even quicker and more intuitively. Active use of HTML5 and CSS3 allows Jimdo to offer the users really unique opportunities: dynamic editing elements (inline editor), loading of images in the background, viewing all stylistic changes directly on the website before their preserving, adding of modules in any place of the content area of the website.

The application for Android

In October, 2014 Jimdo released the application for Android using which it is possible to create and edit the stylish and professional websites directly from the smartphone or the tablet. With this release Jimdo becomes the first full-fledged cross-platform service for creation of the websites, offering this opportunity on all most popular devices (computers, smartphones and tablets).

In August, 2013 the company released the application for iPhone and iPad which became the best application in the category of 2013 according to Apple and more than 450,000 times were downloaded.

With release of Jimdo for Android the company aims to repeat success of the application for iOS. It is important that Jimdo for Android is created especially for users of this platform and as show beta tests with users, the application interface corresponds to their habits and expectations.