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Astrus implemented the platform of monitoring for wireless networks based on Cisco LoRaWAN

Customers: Astrus

Moscow; Tourism, hotel and restaurant business

Product: Omnicube Hardware and software system

Project date: 2019/03  - 2019/08

2019: Implementation of the platform of monitoring for wireless networks

On October 4, 2019 the Cisco company reported that in the Moscow hotel "Astrus" the platform of monitoring on the basis of Cisco equipment for wireless networks which helped hotel to reduce building operating costs is implemented, to organize monitoring of climate in the number of rooms and to increase comfort level for guests. The project is implemented by Netkyyub company.

In process of more and more high importance of digital transformation for the hotel industry before hotel there was a need of creation of IT infrastructure which would help to increase comfort of guests and to optimize expenses. As a result in Astrusa the Omnicube.Building system developed by Netkyyub company on the basis of the innovation technologists of LPWAN of the LoRaWAN standard (Long Range Wide Area Network) was implemented. This technology is created especially for work with Internet of Things, data collection from geographically remote (up to 50 km in a field and up to 10 km in the city) sensors, sensors and metering devices. For data transmission the energy efficient radio network at the frequencies which are not licensed in the Russian Federation is used that allows to use sensors and devices with self-contained supply.

The functionality put in the Omnicube.Building system allows hotel management to monitor Astrus water consumption, heat and electricity, to control temperature, air humidity and level of a carbon dioxide gas in numbers and also to monitor work of the engineering systems of the building. Besides, information on risk of the emergency situations and opportunities of their prevention which are in the premises people, etc. is at the disposal of staff of hotel.

"In the solution for October, 2019 more than 120 different wireless sensors of the Russian producers are used. The unrolled wireless network allows to perform transfer of indications of different sensors in the automatic mode that is especially relevant for hotels, the enterprises with numerous divisions, business centers and apartment houses requiring separate accounting of resource consumption and control of various parameters. All this opens before Astrus hotel the wide potential of implementation of new services on the basis of collected data",

"Modern technologies allow to solve problems which it is inefficient and it is even impossible to solve by old methods. Digital transformation opens ample opportunities and for hotel business. For this reason we aim to increase efficiency of business processes by means of IT that provides high-quality service for our guests. Using the system constructed on the basis of the solutions Cisco and Netkyyub we save on operation of the building and also we can optimum regulate systems providing comfort of lodgers. And further the unrolled LoRa network will allow us to connect without additional costs and other sensors and devices",

'Andrey Slavetsky, the CEO of Astrus hotel noted'

"One base station of Cisco provided a reliable radio covering of the 33-storey concrete building and basement stores. The LPWAN technology allowed us to implement the project with the minimum costs, without the need for laying of cables and creation of expensive infrastructure of data transmission. Independent sensors just are installed in the right place, and we see a current status and statistics in the graphical interface of the Omnicube.Building system",