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ZTE delivered DWDM for the transcontinental telecommunication trunk of Transtelecom

Customers: Transtelecom (TTK)

Product: ZTE ZXONE

Project date: 2019/08  - 2020/02

2020: ZXONE 9700 delivery

On March 3, 2020 the ZTE corporation announced delivery of modern solutions for the transcontinental telecommunication trunk Transtelecom (TTK), having performed the organization of channels 100G on long-haul coherent network of the operator using the equipment of DWDM of the ZXONE 9700 series. Again organized channels have a possibility of switching to reserve routes on the basis of ODUk SNCP technology and transfer services from Europe to Asia through territories of Northwest, Ural, Siberian, Transbaikal and Far East federal districts. At the same time the maximum range of bezregeneratsionny transfer of traffic is more than 4000 km.

The centralized control system with geographically spaced reservation consisting of two independent servers in the western and east part of Russia is used to control of the equipment.

ZXONE 9700 equipment supplied to TransTeleCom company supports the solution on the basis of SDO technology. This technology allows to change the speed of line interfaces of payments from 100G to 200G by means of a management system, without upgrade in the equipment hardware and also to programmatically activate line interfaces of payments and optical links corresponding to them.

Cooperation with ZTE company allowed a TTK to strengthen positions in the market of the international transit of data. ZTE proved as the responsible and professional partner, all agreement obligations were fulfilled in short terms. We are sure that cooperation with ZTE will have long-term character and will give the chance of a TTK to provide to the clients modern communication services,
reported Sergey Yakovlev, the Head of Department on work with telecom operators of JSC Transtelecom Company

The project implemented by us for a TTK showed the potential of use of DWDM from ZTE for creation of optical backbone networks of communication on the basis of transponders with the program configured optical interfaces (SDO). It is a bright example of reliability and functionality of optical transport products of ZTE,
noted Tigran Pogosyan, the senior vice president of ZTI-Svyaztekhnologiya

At the same time, the ZTE company implemented a pilot project of section of regional DWDM network for TransTeleCom company in the Northwestern Federal District. The network organized on the equipment by DWDM of ZXMP M721 series includes 6 communication hubs from St. Petersburg to Pskov and creation on it transit channels using optical reservation.