Customers: Lenenergo
Contractors: Tetrasvyaz Product: TETRA modemНа базе: GLONASS-TETRA Project date: 2011/04
The Tetrasvyaz company (on behalf of RadioTel Ltd), the federal operator of services of a professional radio communication, won the tender for execution of works for modernization of technology network of a mobile radio communication for the benefit of JSC Lenenergo (Vyborg Electric Networks branch).
The construction purpose – to provide with an operative and stable radio communication of subscribers of network due to liquidation of "blind" zones and optimization of the frequency and territorial plan of network. Completion of all works is planned for August, 2011.
According to technical specifications the Tetrasvyaz company will perform all complex of works of the 2nd queue and will perform acceptance tests of objects 1 and 2nd of queue of construction of network of a mobile technology radio communication. The second queue includes installation and construction works, delivery, installation and acceptance tests of the relaying equipment, programming of channels of a radio communication of the operating base stations, mobile and wearable radio stations of the TETRA standard. Within project implementation new repeaters on ten power substations of the enterprise in the Leningrad Region (Zhitkovskaya, Ryabovskaya, Lesogorskaya, Krasnoselsky, Korobitsino, Fruit, Melnikovo, Michurinsk, Zaporizhia and Nikiforovskaya) will be set. The technology network should provide an uninterrupted and stable radio communication in the simplex and half-duplex modes on all objects of VES.