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Main events of week on June 13 - 19


14.06.11, 00:55, Msk

Week will leave from June 13 to June 19 quite saturated: there will take place such events as Russia BPO Summit 2011 and a conference of Microsoft on AX for retail. Besides, Hitachi will provide to the Russian market the new blades. There is also a number of remarkable dates, in particular, foundation of Oracle company, a birthday of Boris Wolpe and others.

June 13

On Monday the birthday is celebrated by Vadim Krasnov, the CEO of the Novosibirsk firm "Haytis", it before
"CROC Siberia". Having profile IT education, till 2002 he held different positions in the IT companies until Haytis as a result headed.

June 14

One of the main events Tuesday -the summit Russia BPO Summit 2011 which is devoted to questions of outsourcing business of processes. RusBPO–2011 is a diversified forum, a meeting of heads of leading enterprises of Russia and professionals of outsourcing - specialists of the different directions of rendering services and services, for exchange of complex information on modern approaches, outsourcing models, to new technologies and knowledge.

In the same day in "Crocus Expo"[1]the Logistics and Warehouse exhibition will open: it will go up to Saturday, June 18. Respectively, principal themes of an exhibition are automation of a warehouse, technology of safe custody and other.

June 15

On June 15 the Impact-Soft company together with Microsoft corporation opens[2]the forum "Microsoft Dynamics Retail Innovation forum 2011". The forum is held in connection with entry into the Russian market of the innovative solution AX for Retail from Microsoft corporation on the Microsoft Dynamics AX platform and will allow to get acquainted with the most modern technologies, world practices and trends in the retail industry.

The Ministry of Education and Science this day will organize the international scientific and practical[3]conference "Education Informatization — 2011", the purpose - discussion of a wide range of the questions connected with use of information technologies in science and education.

One more action of day –[4]the "Experience and Practice of Increase in Efficiency of Maintenance and Operation on the Principles of Reliability at the Enterprises of Power and Oil and Gas Complexes" conference.

This year the IBM company celebrates hundred years from the moment of the basis (IBM Day of Service Celebration). In more detail about it it is possible to read here.

June 16

On Thursday the scientific and practical conference on[5]the subject "Information Technologies in Economy, Education and Business" will take place.

Questions of application and compliance to the PCI DSS/PA DSS standards will discuss on Thursday at the conference of the same name which will take place with assistance of the leading regulators and international payment systems.

In the same day the Hitachi company brings to the Russian market a blade servers. These servers have long and successful story in the markets of Japan (since 2004) and the last year in the USA (2010). Since 2011 these products are available also to the European market. A blade servers of Hitachi are provided by 2 models – BladeSymphony 320 and BladeSymphony 2000.

The State Duma will also discuss "The protected electronic document management in the Russian Federation Legislative aspects, technological capabilities".

About "Cloud computing is Technologies of virtualization" - will say on AHConferences action. Also she will organize[6]the IT in Medicine conference this day.

Russia will organize by IDC this day a conference on a subject "Efficiency of IT and business continuity: data protection, virtualization and optimization of infrastructure". The conference enters the European series of the conferences IDC Security, Virtualization and Data Center Efficiency Roadshow which from February to September of this year are held in 25 cities of Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

On Thursday there will also take place the second international[7]forum "Remote Banking of 2011". Forum subjects: global trends in the industry, cooperation of banks and telecom operators, efficiency of technologies and many others.

, on June 16 56 years are performed to Anatoly Chubais, the CEO of Rusnano. One of the most known figures of policy and business of modern Russia, was the chairman of the board of RJSC EEC Russia for long years before.

This day the BARS GROUP IT company which main product is the platform of the same name for application development under Oracle DBMS was also founded.

On June 16, 1977 the machine Oracle Corporation, by the largest IT company which afterwards became in the world was started. According to the results of for the third quarter of 2011 financial year total sales of the company on GAAP increased by 37% to $8.8 billion, net profit - grew by 78% to $2.1 billion on GAAP.

June 17

This day Dmitry Safonov, the head of department of corporate systems of management of T-Systems CIS was born. Before transition to T-Systems company Dmitry worked more than thirteen years in SAP CIS company. The son of the writer Zoya Boguslavskaya, the wife of the poet Andrey Voznesensky, in 1973 graduated from the Moscow institute of engineers of railway transport (MIIT), started a career in the market of system integration, then having acted as the investor of a number of the successful Internet companies. In May, 2011 during the IPO Leonid Boguslavsky sold actions of "Yandex" for $67.7 million.

On June 17 celebrates a birthday as well Andrey Baklykov, the Chief information officer of MGTS. Before Andrey worked in Transtelecom and Rostelecom.

June 18

June a birthday at Boris Wolpe, the vice president of Sitronics Information Technologies company. Boris Wolpe is a Candidate of Technical Sciences, borrowed with scientific activity in the USA, in 1995 returned to Russia and worked at management positions in companies Mars LLC, JTI, Alfa Bank Express, SAP CIS and others.

It is possible to study the complete list of events of this week here.