Customers: Sharmi Moscow; Housing and public utilities, service and household services Contractors: 1C-Rarus Product: Comme il faut: Beauty shop, edition 1На базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.2 Project date: 2011/06 - 2011/06
Specialists 1C-Rarus completed the project of automation of operational and financial accounting in Sharmi LLC. The Moscow beauty shop services clients using the software product "Comme il faut: Beauty shop, edition 1", on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform.
The 1C-Rarus company completed the project of automation of operational and financial accounting of beauty shop "Sharmi". Software product "Comme il faut: The beauty shop, edition 1" on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform is selected for the purpose of the solution of the following tasks:
- Maintaining base of clients;
- Maintaining a full stroke of settlement with the client from the record moment before calculation for the rendered services; • Payroll of personnel;
- Accounting of the movement of goods and materials on warehouses and responsible persons.
Specialists 1C-Rarus demonstrated opportunities of the software product developed especially for automation of beauty shops which include:
- The customer accounting (maintaining base with contact information and the history of relationship, purpose of a visit, a sale design);
- Material accounting (a design of operations on receipt, movement, write-off, including automatic during rendering services);
- Accounting of work of employees (formation of working schedules, employment control, automatic reassignment of masters, in case of their absence from work);
- Statement of expense reports;
- Traffic control of money: bank and cash desk;
- Design of retail sales;
- Management of user rights.
In beauty shop "Sharmi" 3 jobs are automated. Using the software product "Comme il faut: The beauty shop, edition 1" personnel of salon had an opportunity to effectively solve all necessary problems and also to use additional options:
- Possibility of automatic start of the "Workplace of the Administrator of Salon" interface at the beginning of work of the user in a system;
- Fast salary accrual according to any scheme of accounting;
- Accounting of the PIT and UST;
- Accounting of discounts (one-time, accumulative and periodic with a possibility of selection on a sex, age, family and certain services or goods);
- Reports on all activity of salon (on goods and materials, on clients, on masters, on discounts, on profit and others);
- Automatic formation of price lists of own salon and price list of the prices of suppliers;
- Control of settlement with clients and employees;
- Opportunity for work of employees at several positions at the same time;
- Creation of the distributed information base on several salons.
In an information system the staff of Sharmi also has an opportunity to store photos of the client, to keep account of issue of gift certificates by the amounts and services.