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IE loses a share, but Microsoft is not given


04.07.11, 16:51, Msk

In war of browsers analysts observe a certain calm: against the background of gradually "slipping" IE, competitors grow up on the tenth shares of percent. Microsoft, apparently, decided on recurrence of release of new versions of the child.

Chrome and Safari last month continued to win Internet Explorer market share while Firefox stands aside the fourth month in a row, the Net Applications research company reported. Microsoft used data of this company for creation of illusion of success of its Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) browser meanwhile for Windows 7 OS which became the second most popular after IE 8.

What actually is created in the market of browsers? In June the general share of Internet Explorer decreased by 0.6%. Falling continues the fourth month in a row and today the share of this software makes 53.7% - will reach a new minimum. Speed of falling is lower, than in the last three months, but above than average digit of decrease for the last year. Such speed until the end of this year the share of Internet Explorer can fall lower than the level of 50%, having put an end to superiority of Microsoft which it uses more than ten years.

Firefox from Mozilla company remains at the level of last month from shares in 21.7%, and Opera from Otello Corporation (the former Opera Software) fell to the three tenth percent point – the greatest recession honor it in four years. At the end of June the market share of this browser made 1.7%.

Safari from Apple and Chrome from Google - two browsers which increased the shares within the last year became winners last month again.

The share Safari grew up on two tenth and now makes 7.5% that became a record for the browser going in a set with all Mac devices, iPhone and iPad whereas the share Chrome increased by 0.6% and at the end of June made 13.1%.

Though March emergence of IE9 had no impact on a share of Microsoft, the new browser achieved a certain progress on systems under Windows 7 OS, Microsoft at the beginning of this month stated. "IE9 became the most popular browser for Windows 7 in the USA", - Roger Capriotti, the head of service of marketing of IE in Microsoft company emphasizes. According to Net Applications, IE9 makes 19.6% of all browsers on computers running Windows 7 to the USA and 15.6% of all machines under Windows 7 in the world.


Microsoft repeatedly advertized IE9 as the first "modern" browser, understanding as it implementation of support of HTML5 and other new standards of a World Wide Web. But IE9 still lags behind from IE8 on Win 7, both in the USA, and in the world. At the old browser a share - 47.9% on computers with Windows 7, and it is three times more, than at IE9. Nevertheless, for the first time last month Ie9oboshel the rivals - Firefox and Chrome in use share on systems Windows 7: the latests version of browsers Mozilla and Google, Firefox 4 and Chrome 12, made 11.3% and 8.5% of systems under Windows 7, respectively, reported Net Applications.

Microsoft connects success of IE9 with Windows 7. Gradually leaves the Vista market at which this browser works, but according to Net Applications the absence in IE9 of support Windows XP interferes with its opportunities to become the prominent participant of war of browsers. Nevertheless, in March of the next year the version of IE 10 is expected. According to analysts, Microsoft implements an annual cycle of release of the browser: IE9 appeared in a year after IE8, development of IE10 began at once as soon as IE9 was released. Therefore, IE10 will appear in the market in March, 2012.