Customers: Energoprom management
Contractors: InterTrust Product: CompanyMediaProject date: 2011/05 - 2011/07
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In Energoprom Management company transition to the new version of an electronic document management system of CompanyMedia 3.6 is complete.
The implementation project EDMS CompanyMedia in "Energoprom Management" is begun in 2007. First a system was installed by forces of specialists of the enterprise at head (Moscow) office of the enterprise in 100 workplaces. Then due to the need to provide information exchange with regional divisions employees "Energoprom Management", trained to administration in training center of the developer, independently installed a system in regional branches of the company: Novocherkassk, Novosibirsk and Chelyabinsk electrode plants. At the same time were connected to a system and actively joined work as heads and the staff of service of documentary ensuring management, and line managers and their subordinates.
Project Results
The organization of electronic document management and interaction allowed to build the clear scheme of processing and delivery of documents within all geographically distributed structure of the company, to increase the speed of approval and document transfer, so and information exchange and its distribution, to provide automatic control of execution of documents and instructions according to them.
Transition to the new version of EDMS was dictated by desire of further optimization of an enterprise information system, upgrade with its help of new important processes. A transfer of CompanyMedia from version 3.2 on 3.6 was made by specialists of InterTrust company within two weeks.
Using the new module "Specialized Mailbox" automatic registration of the electronic messages coming to the general corporate mailbox and also automatic sending the messages registered as outgoing is organized. Thus, "The specialized mailbox" allowed to integrate the entering and outgoing messages with CompanyMedia electronic document management system, thereby having accelerated and having simplified processing official e-mail.
By means of the new module "Reference Book by Persons" storage and use in the modules "CompanyMedia-Deloproizvodstvo", "CompanyMedia-Dogovory", "CompanyMedia-Dokumenty" of up-to-date data implemented earlier at the enterprise about employees of the external organizations and individuals were systematized and adjusted. It helped to reduce time for search of contact information on partners.
CompanyMedia of 3.6 specialists also attracted the new abilities to manage system servers which are characterized by bigger flexibility and convenience. Advanced service of approval helped to improve process performance of approval of documents in holding.
Besides, the new version of a system will allow to set in the future jobs EDMS CompanyMedia on tablet computers of employees to provide them online access to the documents which arrived on their name.