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Баннер в шапке 2

LETA helped "AKIBANKU" to estimate its compliance to service station of BR IBBS

Customers: Akibank

Contractors: Leta IT-company
Product: Projects of external audit of IT and security (in tch PCI DSS and SUIB)

Project date: 2011/06

The LETA company announced project completion on consulting maintenance of carrying out a self-assessment within service station of BR IBBS (the Standard of the Bank of Russia of service station of BR IBBS-1.0-2008) in "AKIBANKE" and also development of the reporting documentation and plans of system implementation of information security support (SOIB) meeting the requirements of the Central Bank of Russian Federation in the field of information security support. It is reported that participation of specialists of LETA consisted in the consulting support of employees of the bank including explanation of provisions of standards of a series of service station of BR IBBS and order of their application in the organizations, requirements of federal laws and bylaws, preparation of reference materials on possible questions in scopes of standards of a series of service station of BR IBBS and other works and also in conducting examination of the report on a self-assessment and the actions plan on compliance of SOIB to the standard of the Central Bank.