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Баннер в шапке 2

Main events of week on July 25-31


25.07.11, 08:00, Msk

Celebration of the All-Russian day of system administrators and also the neskolkodnevny meeting of system administrators dated for this date near Kaluga will become the main event of the forthcoming week.

July 25

On July 25 in 1994 the BCC Company, one of the largest Russian IT companies with the state almost in 1 thousand employees and offices in several million-plus cities, including Moscow and St. Petersburg was founded. At the end of 2010 consolidated revenues of the company were 12.55 billion rubles (according to RA "Expert").

In 1995 this day it was based to companies "DeLight 2000 (DeLight)": it is the leading Russian system integrator in the field of design and complex equipment of objects the audiovisual and adjacent systems.

July 27

On Wednesday, July 27, the market is entered by a product a ST Locator from System Technologies (Kaliningrad) company. It is a free online service for monitoring and control of work of employees out of office. Service is developed for interaction with any automated systems of mobile trade.

this day in 1971 Denis Malyshev, the director of Northwest branch "MegaFon" was born. Till April of this year he headed the Ural branch of the same company. Denis was born in Leningrad, graduated from the well-known university of telecommunications of the prof. V.A. Bonch-Bruyevich as "radio engineer". From 1995 to 2003 also Golden eagle worked in the Russian representative office of Nokia, then in Delta Telecom. Since 2004 – on top and management positions in MegaFon.
One more birthday boy of day - Mikhail Talov, the vice president of BCC Company
. The Leningrad resident, the graduate of the Leningrad Institute of Technology, in this position – since 1994.

July 28

On Thursday there begins work the Microsoft school on computer vision (Microsoft Computer Vision School, MSCVS), it will pass in Moscow during the period from July 28 to August 3. The purposes of school - to give to students a unique opportunity to know the fundamental and latest results on computer vision and the analysis of images from the leading world scientists of this area.

July 29

Last Friday of July, and this year this 29th, by tradition the Day of the system administrator is celebrated. Every year this day administrators of corporate and home networks, databases, the mail systems, software packages and another "fighters of the invisible front" celebrate the professional holiday. "Father" of a holiday is American Ted Kekatos who considered that at least once in a year system administrators should feel gratitude from users. The first time this holiday was mentioned on July 28, 2000.

With respect thereto an event in the Kaluga region there will take placethe sixth annual Meeting of System administrators, it will last in up to Sunday. The original format of an action means the organization of the camp and cooking on a fire, but at the same time existence of modern infrastructure – electricity and a wireless internet. The program includes round tables and discussions of a broad spectrum of questions.

this day is as well the famous IT birthday boy - Samuel Palmisano, the chairman of the board of directors of IBM company. He is 60 years old. Palmisano began to work in IBM in 1973, at once after the termination of the university. It was selected to the vice president's position in 1997. Palmisano became a chairman of the board in October, 2002, and the CEO became since March, 2002. The annual wage of Palmisano made $1.8 million in 2008. As a bonus in a year Palmisano received $5.8 million.

July 30

On July 30 the birthday is celebrated by Sergey Zheleznyak, the deputy of the State Duma, earlier chief executive of News Outdoor advertizing agency. In 2011 it is elected the Chairman of the Committee on information policy, information technologies and communication. Entering of new amendments into the law "About Media" and also the legislative amendments regulating work of the Internet in Russia will become some of Sergey Zheleznyak's tasks on this post.

This day also Sergey Gorokhov, the CEO of SDI Solution before holding a post of the area director of a developer CAD of ASCON was born.

And Evgeny Vasilyev, the CEO "MTT - Multiregional Transit Telecom". Before headed St. Petersburg Transit Telecom and PeterStar, worked in the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications.

On July 30, 1940 Clive Sinclair, the British businessman whose company was responsible for development of legendary ZX Spectrum was born.

July 31

On July 31 Oleg Simakov before recent time holding a position of the Chief information officer of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation) was born. In zero was a team member of Leonid Reiman.

It is possible to study the complete list of events of this week here.