"The car center on Taganka" implemented universal communications system of the IP telephony of ZyXEL X8004
Customers: Car center on Taganka Product: ZyXEL X8004 Project date: 2011/06
"The car center on Taganka" implemented universal communications system of the IP telephony of ZyXEL X8004 within planned upgrade morally and physically outdated digital-to-analog automatic telephone exchange and also the base station and the subscriber DECT terminals.
"Our company treats a segment of SOHO, totaling about two hundred subscribers of the PBX. Owing to specifics of business more than a half from the total number of employees need mobility within the car center territory — car showroom, service zones, warehouse, a back office and others. Even approximate calculations showed that it is more profitable to us to refuse in general operation of the available park of a DECT tubes, than to try to buy the similar equipment on replacement and for new employees. And even if in the price to put the cost of wireless SIP telephones and access points of Wi-fi" — Stanislav Miroshnikov, the managing director of Dixy-Trade LLC told.
"The effect of implementation of a universal communication framework of ZyXEL X8004 is obvious. Literally in a month we made high-quality transition towards new convergent network therefore such opportunities as work in the remote mode, close integration with the ERP/CRM systems, easy setup of the various scenarios of processing as entering, and outgoing telephone calls, automatic recording and archiving of a talk and, of course, failure from paper faxes became available to us" — Tekayev Timur, the head of department of IT of "Car center on Taganka" added.