Developers: | Schneider Electric |
Last Release Date: | September, 2013 |
Technology: | SCADA |
Content |
CitectHistorian 4.30
The Schneider Electric company submits the new version of multifunction reporting system for the enterprise – CitectHistorian V4.30 compatible to the latest operating systems and technologies of Microsoft and including expansion of former functionality for more effective work.
CitectHistorian V4.30 is a simple and well-tried remedy for management of contemporary records of the enterprise which allows to work with large volumes of technology data and to perform operations in real time. RTSoft as the partner of Schneider Electric, represents upgraded version of a system in the territory of Russia.
In comparison with the previous version of CitectHistorian V4.30 offers a number of new opportunities and advantages:
- - creation of detailed reports using new management tools charts of Dundas supporting new types of charts, visualization and data formatting (reports can be added with indication and accounting maps with Dundas Gauge help);
- - compatibility with all 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems based on Microsoft, including Windows 7, increase in speed of work and reliability augmentation of data protection;
- - more perfect characteristics of the web client and a configurator allowing to increase the capacity of the central processor;
- - optimization of the user interface for convenience and reliability of work.
Clients who are already users of CitectHistorian can update the latest version and appreciate innovations. Besides, a free opportunity to set trial version of the product Mini-Historian and to study its functionality is provided.
CitectHistorian 4.40
Historian Enquire, the new client application for Microsoft Excel with completely updated interface and considerable advanced functionality. This tool for creation of the unrolled reports is extraordinary simple in application. It fully uses rich opportunities of Excel for filtering, sorting, conversion of a format of data for their more effective analysis and representation.
As a result users receive the broad picture of the events on a production site and can make crucial decisions on the basis of the exact and detailed data. An automatic configuration with CitectSCADA * which allows to import and synchronize in CitectHistorian 4.40 the hierarchical data, such as tags, alarm signals and trends which are already configured in CitectSCADA.
Thus, need of parallel configuring of both systems disappears that considerably reduces time of setup and the subsequent service of Historian. More detailed and exact data for creation of reports. The access to broader range of data from SCADA system implemented in the new version of CitectHistorian considerably increases quality and accuracy of reports. Use of a time stamp directly from CitectSCADA provides exact and uniform data view directly from "field" devices in reports that is especially important by search and fault recovery.
2013: CitectHistorian 4.50
On September 25, 2013 the Schneider Electric company announced a release of the new version of CitectHistorian - 4.50.
Key updates:
- the improved Historian Enquire for Excel. The simple Excel application in use uses possibilities of Microsoft Excel, including PowerPivot and Power View, for data analysis and creation of dashboards from CitectHistorian. CitectHistorian v4.50 software also allows to carry out data analysis of alarms and tags and provides a full and free integration with CitectSCADA.
- the simplified installation. Version 4.50 provides the simplified installation process with automatic verification of the necessary software and the Windows components. At the same time the special navigation page provides uniform access to all the most often used CitectHistorian functions including to numerous standard reports, including reports on energy consumption and disturbing warnings.
- Compatibility. The product CitectHistorian 4.50 is compatible to the latests version and platforms of Microsoft now (SQL Server 2008 R2 & 2012, Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, NET Framework 4.5).