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Top managers of Google, Oracle and HTC are called the women, most influential in the world


25.08.11, 15:04, Msk

In the list of 100 influential women of the world there were many IT managers: these are representatives of the management of Google, Twitter, Facebook, HTC, Oracle and Xerox companies.

The Forbes magazine published the annual rating of 100 most influential women of the world (World’s 100 Most Powerful Women) where in 2011 many representatives of IT-Business were included. The first place of rating this year was taken by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, on the second place – the U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. By the way, the first lady of the USA Michelle Obama (Michelle Obama) is placed on the 8th line of rating.

, that near them on extent of influence, already on the 5th place, there is 41-year-old Sheryl Sandberg, the operating officer of Facebook company. It is the second in value figure in the company, during the work (the last three years) it managed to promote growth to number of users of service from 70 to 750 million and also to monetize it. In 2012 Facebook can come for the IPO and attract up to $100 billion investments.

On the 6th place 47-year-old Melinda Gates though
who does not have a direct bearing on information technologies, but nevertheless being the wife of the dollar billionaire and one of the most influential IT businessmen – Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft company is in the list.

On the 16th place of Forbes rating – 43-year-old Susan Wojcicki, the vice president of Google Internet company. In rating 52-year-old Cher Wang, the co-founder and the chairman of the board of directors of one of the world's largest  mobile device manufacturers, HTC companies is in the 20th place. HTC takes the fifth place in the market, in 2010 its
revenue made $9.8 billion Wang - the daughter of the tayvansky billionaire. Together with the husband they are the richest Taiwanese, its status makes $6.8 billion.

On the 27th line of rating – Ursula Burns, the CEO of Xerox company. On the 37th place – Carol Bartz, the CEO of Altaba Internet service (before Yahoo). On the 40th place of rating – Safra Catz, the president of Oracle corporation. On the 42nd line – Marissa Mayer, the vice president of Google.

On the 56th line of rating – 41-year-old Katie Jacobs Stanton, the vice president for the international strategy of Twitter company. After Katie joined a startup, 70% of all tweets in the system of steel are the share of users outside the USA. Twitter is used by five largest world leaders, including the Russian President Dmitry Medvedev (@MedvedevRussiaE) and the U.S. President Barack Obama (@barackobama).

Let's note that most of IT participating of big rating are included also into the small rating of 20 youngest influential women of 2011 (20 Youngest Power Woman 2011). Among them No. 5 is Marissa Mayer. No. 7, No. 8, No. 10 and #17 – Cathie Jacobs Stanton mentioned above, Cheryl Sandberg, Susan Vozhitski and Melinda Gates.

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Women in IT