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Head of VMware: the desktop PC the end comes


30.08.11, 11:46, Msk

In five years only of one fifth all client computing systems will work running Windows. "Cloud" - this and near future of such systems, consider in VMware company.

The CEO of VMware Paul Maritz urged clients "leave limits of influence of the desktop computer". He claims that the PC badly corresponds to workflows of today and therefore crash of this format is inevitable.

Speaking at the VMworld 2011 conference which takes place this week in Las Vegas, he noted that the PC already "not the only animal in a zoo", even more often users hold other devices in hand. According to its forecast, within the next five years less than 20% of clients - computing systems will work under management Microsoft Windows. Delivery of applications and data "does not belong to only one device or the only operating system now". It is necessary to abstract from it, he told.

Paul Maritz: To an era of the PC the end comes. The future - in "cloud".

Before participants at the event Marits said in the speech that clients should pass from virtualization to full-fledged cloud infrastructure. He noted at the same time that 50% of world infrastructure work at virtual resources and "cloud" today - the next logical step. According to him, cloud infrastructure will be necessary for satisfaction of requirements of dynamic workflows, it will allow administrators to deliver applications and information to people, but not devices.

Probably, some organizations already move in this direction. By words Maritsa, already more than 800 thousand administrators of VSphere, including 68 thousand specialists underwent certification in the world.

Marits was recognized that he all the life works on the PC, and the metaphor "desktop computer" (desktop) came in the 1970th years from research laboratory Xerox Parc which at that time studied "how to automate life of a white collar in 1975". It is worth understanding it so that researchers carried out approximation of a study, having taken it as a computer basis: the cabinets, typewriters, files, folders entering and outgoing mailboxes.

"We created a powerful environment from desktop computers, - he told. – But, a problem in that, aged people up to 35 years do not sit at tables and do not spend all the time for love inclination to documents. They will deal with the information streams coming to them smaller parts, but in much bigger quantity. We enter a new, post-documentary era, and other solutions will be necessary for us".

Afterwards Marits explained how products of VMware company will allow to create a basis for interaction of new type. VFabric from VMware provides to developers tool kit for creating applications, initially started in a cloud. CloudFoundry provides the platform - as - service (PaaS) which clients can use for start of the applications on the external equipment. The software of VMware View VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) allows users to get data access and to applications from the most different devices clients. The solution VMware Horizon implementing a corporate portal for simplification of access for users to new applications is recently issued.

In spite of the fact that VMware is known as the creator of the software of virtualization of servers, the company quickly increases a software stack for corporate users to use the private and hybrid clouds created on the basis of VSphere software for management of virtual resources.

One of clients of VMwareSouthwest Airlines company. In the last 18 months the company virtualized 40% of the applications for providing online services. Its purpose - virtualization of all applications. Among other things the software of VMware Southwest uses VFabric, VSphere, VMotion, Tomcat, Hyperic and GemFire. "We start a significant amount of our applications and services on the basis of infrastructure of VMware", - the vice president and the executive technical director of Southwest Bob Young told.

According to him, development of the company towards to "cloud" provided considerable motions in questions of availability of applications of Southwest Airlines to internal and external clients.