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Use of the Avtotreker system when constructing facilities the Sochi Olympic Games extends

Customers: NPO Mostovik

Omsk; Construction and industry of construction materials

Product: Autotracker
На базе: GLONASS

Project date: 2011/08

Moscow, on September 14, 2011. The Russian Navigation Technologies (RNT) company – one of leaders of the Russian market of monitoring systems and control of motor transport – announces development of the project on use GLONASSGPS of system / monitoring and control of Avtotreker transport for management of the park of cars and special equipment of NPO Mostovik occupied on construction of facilities of the Winter Olympic Games of 2014 (Sochi).

The Mostovik scientific and production association is the largest project and construction enterprise of Siberia and the Far East executing a full range of works from formation of the engineering idea, carrying out researches and design before production of difficult building constructions, accomplishment of installation and construction works and commissioning of the object. More than 20 years the company participates in the most difficult and responsible construction projects of regional and all-Russian levels. And today in its record of service – over 450 objects of different function in Russia and beyond its limits.

One and a half years ago consolidation Mostovik only began to work at the Olympic constructions, having become one of the first construction organizations which obtained accreditation for work on objects of Olympstroy State corporation. Already then the project on improvement of a management system for transport was extremely important for implementation of development plans for the company, as the main specialization it selected rendering transport services to the construction enterprises from the Sochi region.

Then the equipment of the Avtotreker system admitted to NPO Mostovik as the corporate standard was installed on the 150th cargo transport and special equipment. Besides, the dispatching center allowing to plan trip tasks to quickly control their execution, to keep track of location and relocations of each CU was created. Let's note that in a monitoring system of transport the "Direct Public Address System with the Driver" function raising the security level, simplifying operational correction of tasks and allowing to retain control of work of the CU in places with the complicated acceptance of a satellite signal of the systems of positioning was actively used.

One and a half years of operation of the Avtotreker system in NPO Mostovik yeilded tangible result: costs for fuel and lubricants decreased by 30%, and the payback period (counting on one CU) made from one to four months. At the same time for the specified period vehicle fleet of the company grew from 350 to 450 units, and the total number of the CU connected to a monitoring system - up to 400 units. Up to the end years all vehicle fleet of NPO Mostovik will be connected to a monitoring system, and the aircraft equipment Avtotreker is installed already not only on cargo transport and special equipment, but also on official passenger cars.

"Developing a service package for the construction enterprises participating in creation of objects of the Olympic Games we understood that we should provide the high accuracy of observance of diagrams since on them production processes are started, and any failure can cause considerable cascade effect. At that time we already had experience of application of the Avtotreker system for control of our transport in other regions. Therefore the solution to base all management system for transport on data of monitoring was for us absolutely natural, – the head of department of control of transport of NPO Mostovik Trigub Sergey Pavlovich says. – Last one and a half years showed its correctness. Cost reduction accelerated payback, and quality improvement of control of transport allowed to work more quickly and to win reputation at our customers".
"Beginning the project where the Avtotreker system helps to manage the equipment on construction of Olympic venues, we, naturally, took both pride, and responsibility. For builders an opportunity to meet the allotted deadline in many respects depends also on the accuracy of work of transport. NPO Mostovik, the longtime active user of our monitoring system, could involve its potential in daily work completely, – Ivan Nechayev, the CEO of Russian Navigation Technologies company says. – And the fact that the project continues to extend, demonstrates that considerable cost reduction and increase in effective management of transport really are essential competitive advantages during the work on such huge building".