Customers: Professional institute of law Contractors: 1C-Rarus Product: 1C: AccountingНа базе: 1C:Enterprise 8.3 Project date: 2011/06
Summary: The 1C-Rarus company announces project completion on automation of Non-State Educational Institution "Professional Institute of Law". Organization keeps accounting and tax accounting using the 1C: Accounting 8 software product. In a project deliverable time for formation of the regulated reporting is reduced. A system allows to obtain quickly data for accounting.
The management made the decision on automation of organization for the purpose of conducting the automated accounting according to standards of the Russian legislation.
The software product with following features was required for institute: - Accounting of fixed assets and intangible assets; - Maintaining cash-book, purchase ledger and sales ledger; - Delivery of the regulated reporting and the personified accounting; - Conducting tax accounting. For automation of educational institution the 1C: Accounting 8 software product was selected. Work was charged to specialists of 1C-Rarus company.
During the project 5 jobs on sections are automated: fixed asset accounting, operations on bank and cash desk, accounting of services and goods, material accounting, payroll.
Project deliverables of automation of Professional institute of law became: - Reduction of time for formation of the regulated reporting; - Operational obtaining credentials; - Reduction of errors; - A possibility of automatic calculation of taxes, - Formation of accounting and tax statements and its delivery in electronic form in inspection bodies.