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Google Wallet

Developers: Google
Date of the premiere of the system: September, 2011
Last Release Date: 2015/09/23
Branches: Internet services,  Financial services, investments and audit


2018: Android Pay and Google Wallet will be integrated in Google Pay

Main article Google Pay

2015: Updating of Wallet for iOS

On September 23 it became known of the release of the update Google Wallet for iOS. Now the application supports sending money between relatives and friends (works only within the USA) by means of what it is possible to do transfers, knowing e-mail of the addressee[1].

Screenshots of an application window, 2015

On Android these options became available to users of Google Wallet in September, 2015 earlier.

Proceeding from the description of Wallet the user can take money from the payment card linked to service or the bank account.

Having received money for the account of Wallet, for example, from friends, the user or spends them directly from the application or can send to the card.

Use of gift cards and programs of loyalty in the application is more unavailable, these options are transferred to Android Pay, it is already available.

2013: The Google Wallet payment cards will not be

According to the message of AllThingsD (May, 2013), "... The CEO of Google Larry Page company resolutely refused plans of start of the physical Google Wallet payment cards after showed extreme displeasure results of the pilot tests last week which showed many technology failures. 

He was skeptical about the idea of start of cards on physical media for a long time: according to several sources, he was sure that it not that direction on the way of the innovative development which is shown by payment startups like Square". 


Developers of the Android-applications obliged to use Google Wallet

Google will delete the Android-application in which payment systems and services, other than Google Wallet, are used. Corresponding warnings of Google sends by e-mail to developers already several months. One of such letters was in March, 2012 at disposal of Reuters agency. Google demanded from the developer within a month to pass to Google Wallet, otherwise its application will be deleted from Google Play shop (the former Android Market).

According to experts, use of a single payment platform of Google not only will simplify process of purchase of applications, but also will increase conversion. Now rapid growth of sales of androidofon practically does not affect growth of purchases of applications in Google Play in any way. For comparison, Apple from the very beginning obliged developers to use its payment system, than provided success of sales in the AppStore. After transition to Google Wallet the developer will be obliged to share with Google of 30% of cost of the Android-applications.

Google changed technical approach to information storage about cards

Google announced in the summer of 2012 adding of cloud functionality to the service of a mobile purse Google Wallet. It opens access to service to bank card owners of all largest payment systems, including Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover.

The user can add the card through mobile application, the website and in Google Play shop. After that the partner of Google Bancorp bank in the automatic mode issues the virtual bank card to which there is a settling with the shops accepting payments Google Wallet, and the cost of purchase of Google charges in own favor from any card the user.

Robin Dua, the head of product management of Google Wallet, explained that Google was necessary to change technical approach to information storage about payment cards. Now this information is stored on highly protected servers of Google. The identifier Google Wallet is stored in the protected area of memory of phone and applied only for payment in sales points. It allows to accelerate process of integration for banks so that they can add the cards to the Wallet application of everything for several weeks.

Opportunity remotely via the web interface became one more function improving safety of use of a Google service of Wallet to disconnect functionality of the application on phone. It allows to avoid troubles in a situation when phone is lost or stolen. It is possible to block only the application or to put all phone out of action. After this procedure from phone all data on bank cards and the carried-out transactions are removed.

Few hours later after the declaration of Google of an opportunity to add bank cards the statement was made by the vice president of American Express for social media Bradley Minor. He told journalists from TechCrunch that his company has no partnership agreements with Google providing a possibility of use of American Express cards in Wallet Google service. Also B. Maynor complained that the stated process of transactions does not assume an American Express broadcast of data on the seller and the place of perfect transaction as technically money will be written off not by the seller, and Google.

For launch of Google Wallet supported only bank cards of MasterCard, and payment acceptance was available in network of MasterCard PayPass terminals which in the USA there are more than 200 thousand. In service support of cards of loyalty, coupons and discounts is implemented. For today full support to the Google Wallet project in the USA is given only by Sprint Nextel operator while Verizon Wireless, AT&T Mobility and T-Mobile operators of USA support the ISIS project which tests should begin this month. Moreover, by hearsay, Sprint considers the possibilities of creation of own payment service, and is not clear what place in these plans is taken by Google Wallet.

The Google corporation in 2013 is going to complement Wallet Google service with the physical plastic card which will allow to make purchases in shops. The holder of the new card will be able to specify details of all the real cards and to connect them with the card from Google by means of the Google application of Wallet. At making payments money will be written off from the card selected by the user.

Main advantage of the solution is that the buyer will be able to add all the real plastic cards to the Google account and not to carry them with itself any more, just selecting directly at payment if it is necessary, the card of write-off.

In addition Google will provide the round-the-clock protection against fraud and function of remote blocking of phone and plastic card. Besides, the card from Google will allow to make payments on those terminals which do not support NFC technology. Innovations are expected also in the Google service of Wallet. In particular, users will be able to refill balance, to charge off money and to send them to other users.


On September 20, 2011 official start of a new payment service of Google which allows to perform "contactless" payment of purchases and services using the mobile devices equipped with the NFC chip took place. So far the application works only with one similar device – the Nexus S 4G smartphone connected to network of the American mobile operator Spinet. Besides, only owners of the credit card of Citibank of MasterCard or virtual Google of Prepaid Card can use new service.

In the future, promise in Google, clients and other payment systems – Visa, Discover and American Express will be able to pay purchases using "guglokoshelk". The application will work also on other mobile phones with NFC chips. Such, in particular, the Nokia company actively develops.

In November, 2011 representatives of the largest operator of wireless communication – Verizon Wireless (USA) – said that in the models of the Galaxy Nexus smartphones implemented by the company system operation of mobile payments of Google Wallet will not be supported. The made decision is dictated by security reasons, reports the agency.

Verizon Wireless which co-owners are Verizon Communications Inc companies. and Vodafone Group Plc, is in search of new solutions in the field of security and convenience of users. It was said responsible in Verizon for development and work with consumers by Jeffrey Nelson.

According to Bloomberg, current situation certainly discards Google in its ambitions on a step backwards especially as all this occurs against the background of the amplifying competition between the service providers suggesting to pay goods by means of mobile phones. Moreover, in April, 2011 it became known of intentions of Verizon Wireless, in partnership with AT&T and T-Mobile to invest more than 100 million US dollars in Isis joint venture which should compete with Google Wallet.

"Failure of Verizon from support of Google Wallet can probably be perceived as pressure lever in negotiation process of the operator with Internet giant concerning terms of the contract and information exchange about clients", – the expert David True comments.

The model of the Galaxy Nexus smartphone running OS Android will be started in sale this month. It is the first in own way "андроидофон" from Verizon Wireless based on NFC technology which can be used for sending payments via Google Wallet.

Google announced in January, 2012 that in 2012 it will start a mobile wallet of Google Wallet in Great Britain. Google actively finances promotion of NFC, hoping to occupy leadership in the growing industry of mobile trade. This sphere actively develops in Great Britain, but now in the country there are practically no mobile applications allowing consumers to pay freely the daily purchases. Now the tool, closest to mobile payment system, available British consumers, the proximity credit card Barclaycard is. These cards are used through the whole country, but nevertheless the soil for arrival on the British Google Wallet market, by estimates of analysts, is quite favorable.

In 2013 in Great Britain will play the Olympic Games which cause surge in business in the host country. Google believes that mobile trade will be able to play in it a key role. Several British companies share this opinion and already now begin to accept NFC payments to increase profit and to attract advanced consumers.

You watch also Payment systems and services
