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HP can get rid of Apoteker


22.09.11, 01:33, Msk
Текст: Sergey Mazharov

The Board of Directors of Hewlett-Packard planned a meeting for consideration of a question of Leo Apotheker's dismissal from a position of the CEO of the company. The possible applicant for his place - the former CEO of EBay.

The Board of Directors of HP can dismiss the CEO of the company Leo Apotheker and to appoint the former CEO of EBay Meg Whitman as his successor. The source of the Bloomberg agency reported about it incognito: plans are not subject to publicity yet.

If the Board of Directors implements this plan, Apoteker should leave. Forecast sales of HP were reduced three times, and Apoteker became a CEO in November and directed strategy changes which forced shareholders to doubt his competence. Just before its arrival for work to HP the share price of the company was $42.4. During its board actions lost 47%, and "the irritation of investors" management of the company is in the peak for more than ten-year period, said in the state-of-the-art review of Toni Sacconaghi, the analyst of Sanford C published last week. Bernstein & With.

Whitman, Hewlett-Packard which joined the board in January, after unsuccessful attempt to become the governor of California last year, showed ambiguous results of the activity in EBay. Being as the CEO of the company within ten years, she carried out incorporating, the company became the pioneer in e-commerce among small businesses. Nevertheless, in recent years the stay at a wheel of EBay she could not stop deceleration of growth rates of sales and overpaid for Skype Technologies.

The lack of experience of Whitman of large computing IT-Business can mean that as the CEO she will stay not for long, Jayson Noland, the analyst of Robert W company considers. Baird & Co. "It in council and logically is the interim CEO, but not the CEO on a long-term basis, - Noland told. - It has no work experience in large business".

Pressure upon Apoteker amplified last month, after the radical reorganization announced by it which included acquisition of Autonomy Corp company for $10.3 billion Besides, there was information that the company will refuse business of production of the PC. Besides, it changed a course on the plan stated five months before - to postpone so far business of the LG WebOS mobile operating system (before LuneOS), despite of sharply increased consumer demand for mobile devices.

In spite of the fact that the imposed plans had to increase a margin of products of Hewlett-Packard, investors said that the company risks, having paid for Autonomy too much and that the statement for possible "otpochkovaniye" of business of the PC was made too early.

Apoteker, the former CEO of the German vendor of the software of SAP AG, was admitted to HP for the purpose of its transformation in software provider and services for the enterprises making large volumes of calculations on remote servers by means of "clouds".

CEO of Hewlett-Packard company Leo Apotheker

Its stay in Hewlett-Packard can not hold on even to 10-month being the CEO of SAP company. From there he resigned in February, 2010 after attempt to raise the prices during recession (that angered customers) and collision with the German labor unions when implementing plans for reduction of jobs.

Apoteker joined Hewlett-Packard after resignation of Mark Hurd who was dismissed against the background of scandal over its personal relations with the company contractor. Today Hurd holds a position with - the president in Oracle corporation.