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Deficit of commercial DPCs in Russia will reach 22%


18.10.11, 13:09, Msk

Despite rapid development of the market of commercial DPCs in Russia demand seriously outweighs the offer so in the next three years deficit of the offer in this market can reach 22% and even 35%.

According to analysts of Headwork Analytics, by 2015 the capacity of the Russian market of commercial DPCs will increase by 2.5-3 times, and in a segment of large enterprises demand for services of data centers will grow almost by 5 times.

In a research it is said that the Russian market of KTsOD is concentrated in the capital. In Moscow and Moscow area there are 60% of the Russian KTsOD. In St. Petersburg 15% of the market, 25% – in other regions are located.

The Russian market of DPC on the scales is not comparable with western yet. The total area of the Moscow market, largest in the country (98 commercial data centers with 9,331 racks) is 26 thousand sq.m. It is less than the area of one large American DPC – SuperNAP.

Vadim Stetsenko, the head of directorate of outsourcing of Asteros company, considers that commercial data centers go on a meeting to clients. Their offers become more and more flexible, adapting to requirements of customers. "In the medium term new players will come to the growing market, and the acting participants will broaden the platforms", - he said.

However, as showed a research even if to consider growth of the offer, deficit of KTsOD will be shown in 2012. By 2015 demand for 22% will exceed the available offer. And if there are unclaimed low-quality areas, deficit can reach 35%

By estimates of analysts, the Russian market of commercial data centers nevertheless grows for 20-30% a year: quicker, than industry of IT in general. 40% of the general market demand fall to the share of big customers, and the most active consumers of services KTsOD are media holdings (42%), the transport and logistic companies (35%) and banks (33%).

Retail, wholesale, power and the industry show moderate interest. The oil and gas companies and non-state pension funds of need for services of commercial DPCs are not tested yet.

Demand from large enterprises for services of data centers will grow for 35-40% a year. Big customers show interest in difficult "cloud" services. However from transition to "clouds" they are kept by uncertainty in reliability of operators of DPC and too high, according to clients, cost of lease of software.

While remain key services of the Russian market of KTsOD placement of the server (colocation) – 80% of the current clients – and the lease of the equipment (dedicated) demanded among 48% of customers used this service. The SaaS model is used by less than 20% of large customers of the Russian data centers.

Small and medium business is less active – as expected, demand for services KTsOD will grow in this segment only for 10-15% a year. But also in this segment customers are limited to consumption of simple services, such as hosting of a mail system more and more seldom, and gradually expand a range of popular services.

The market becomes more and more competitive: the share of the areas belonging to 10 largest players from 2009 to 2010 was reduced by 6%. Foreign operators of KTsOD expand the presence in Russia, and the quality standards offered by them force the Russian colleagues to look for more actively ways of improvement of own services, it is also told in a research.