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On March 4, 2010 Vadim Stetsenko headed directorate on outsourcing of Asteros company.

In Vadim's asset – long-term experience of management of IT of the large companies, building of a system of project management, successful implementation of project portfolios. On the last work location as the CEO of IT-Service company (the affiliated enterprise UC RUSAL) among key tasks of Mr. Stetsenko there was creation of processes of provision of services on IT support of UC RUSAL. The main achievements of Vadim on this post – an output of IT support of the enterprises of UC RUSAL to outsourcing, centralization and process optimization of providing IT services. As a result expenses of the aluminum giant on communication and IT were reduced more than by 30% when preserving quality of support of business.

On positions of the head of directorate of outsourcing in Asteros Vadim Stetsenko was responsible for complex development of the outsourcing direction. The main objective of the new head – creation of the scalable practice of outsourcing capable to provide complex outsourcing of IT services for large corporate clients and to provide high quality and economic attractiveness of services for the customer.

In March, 2012 the Russian service company "CST Service" (enters into "the Service Holding Company") announced Vadim Stetsenko's appointment to the president's position "CST Service". Vadim Stetsenko released from a post of the head of the company to Marín Gornuue, the president holding a post "CST Service" since May, 2009 and recently headed New Service Technologies company (also enters into "the Service Holding Company").

"CST Service" Vadim Stetsenko is included into tasks of the new president expansion of a product line and service portfolio of the company the range of services for clients appeared by the principle of "one window". Besides, Stetsenko is engaged in development of capacities of network of the regional service centers of the company (at the moment the company has 82 branches across all Russia), strengthening of vendor relations and partners, creation uniform in the innovation IT инфраcтруктуры the companies, implementation of the mid-term plan of business development, says "CST of Service".

In 2009-2012 "Service" was created by CST in federal service company, having broadened the territory of the presence to scales of all Russia. Now the company cooperates with more than 350 federal and regional customers among whom — the largest companies in the industry of telecommunications and communication, retailers, banks, industrial enterprises, etc.