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Баннер в шапке 2



Information technologies
Honauerstraße 4, 4020 Linz

Top managers:
Helmut Fallmann
Fabasoft is the European software provider and cloud computing with 20-year experience with the enterprises and state institutions. The main office is to Linz, Austria, branches in Germany, Switzerland, Italy and the USA.


Number of employees
2017 year

For 2012 Fabasoft is one of the leading European vendors of the customized and ready systems:

And also:

  • Mindbreeze Enterprise the system of indexation and information search in ECM/ERM systems, e-mail, databases, local networks with a connectivity of external sources of the Internet (e.g. Wikipedia, news resource, etc.). Hierarchy of access rights. It is unrolled locally at computing powers of the customer.
  • Mindbreeze InSite the selective search system on the Internet. Connection of resources at the choice of the customer. It is unrolled on the Fabasoft servers.

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Fabasoft successfully underwent certification on compliance to the quality standards and security:

  • ISO 27001: this regulation is world-wide recognized for IT security assessment. Existence of this certificate guarantees observance of well-defined standards of the equipment and security concerning IT processes and confidential information of the enterprise.
  • ISO 20000: this international standard registers requirements to the provided IT service. The main requirement of ISO 20000 is quality improvement and cost reduction due to increase in efficiency.
  • ISO 9001: sistemo-and process - the focused approach to quality management and its continuous improvement. The Fabasoft concern is certified in ISO 9001 since 2005.
  • SAS 70Typ II: "Statement on Auditing Standards Nr. 70" - internationally recognized standard developed especially for the enterprises, using outsourcing. This standard confirms presence at the enterprise of an effective control system over the business processes.


Clients of the company for August, 2012.

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