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Folio Cloud

Developers: Fabasoft
Date of the premiere of the system: 30.11.2011
Technology: SaaS - Software as service,  EDMS


Folio Cloud is the European business cloud for cooperation with partners on the Internet. It is about the electronic document management certified by PricewaterhouseCoopers, Workflow, about cloud data storage unavailable to US Patriot Act.

Folio Cloud is protected according to several standards expanded by SaaS product for joint work:

  • in the special protected space over documents of different type
  • with accurate hierarchy of access, the central administration
  • with storage function and exchange of large volumes of information
  • with global mobile access (the smartphone, the tablet)

The modern business partnership means data exchange by all methods: e-mail, FTP servers, figurative keepers of information. Not always it is possible to call such method of information exchange reliable and convenient. But exchange is necessary, and information in real time represents the huge potential for competitive advantage. In it strength of Folio Cloud.

Working room

For work and information exchange working rooms are provided in Folio Cloud.

The working room is the protected area, access to which only those who were invited, given the appropriate rights have and underwent authorization. The virtual office also provides to business groups mobile access to documents from tablet computers and smartphones. In it employees can easily exchange the most up-to-date information.

Partners want to know precisely with whom they run business in network. Folio Cloud offers authorization with "Digital ID", the certified identification. For example, in Austria authorization is made by the Austrian certificate together with the mobile phone, in Germany using the new digital certificate. Authorization with the digital certificate and double authorization by means of the smartphone (mobile PIN) is also possible.

To the enterprises the clarity and transparency in work with partners are important. Folio Cloud offers for this purpose automatic preserving of versions, audit and the structured, individually configured workflows (Workflow).

Cloud applicaions - business tools of the future (Cloud Apps) will help to expand functionality of Folio Cloud. Application developers from around the world implement Cloud Apps for Folio Cloud (Platform-as-a-Service). Fabasoft places the developed applications on the "cloud" servers and extends together with developers through Fabasoft Cloud App Store.

Folio Cloud is available (Software-as-a-Service) everywhere and always and offers continuous security blanket from the device of the user and to the server centers Fabasoft. Fabasoft underwent certification on compliance to all major standards of security and reliability. All cloud data are stored in Europe.

The cloud is created on the basis of the open source software, a not on the American software products. Therefore state institutions of the USA cannot get data access on the basis of US Patriot Act.

The Folio Cloud interface in browser 2012


The starting screen after a greeting is a desktop. On it working rooms and folders with documents are displayed. The user has an opportunity to configure a type of display of documents: in detail, sketch, type of the card, print preview, roundabout. Create a new object using a context menu (the right click of a mouse) or using an icon of the Working room.

Columns are configured according to needs of the user, by the parameter of several columns sorting of the list is available. The analysis of comparison of document revisions on contents. Viewing document revisions. Semantic search.

The working room is the central element of joint work in a cloud. Here work on projects is conducted, from here it is possible to send the invitation for joint work to contacts whether regardless of that they are registered already in Folio Cloud. In working rooms it is possible to use applications jointly.

'Possible actions:
* Create and configure the working room
* Distribute access rights to objects, folders, working rooms
* Load data into the working room
* Invite contacts to cooperation
* Accept or reject the invitation to cooperation
* Stop participation in the working room
* Reassign object accessory to other working room
* Appropriate to the working room the logo

And also to create one of objects in the working room for the subsequent work with it:

The applications allowing to expand functionality and to configure service for own needs, for example Conference are available, "Minute" is the Meeting, "The working link", Term is the Event and many others.

The working group can be brought together directly in the working room from already available contacts, or it is possible to invite new

* Create the working room
* Add contacts to the working room
* Appropriate to contacts of right of access

For convenient work creation or transfer of contacts in Folio Cloud from MS Office Outlook, Gmail, Windows Live Hotmail, with function of verification of duplicates is possible. For the imported contacts the corresponding folder automatically is created. For convenience at project work creation of access rights to the working group to certain contacts is possible. Search in contacts can be set by different criteria.


Folio Cloud can be connected and will be displayed in Windows Explorer as a network drive. Use of the browser in this case is optional.

Image:FC WebDAV TAD.jpg

Mobile access

Thanks to support of the WebDAV, CalDAV, CMIS and HTML 5 standards support of Folio Cloud on mobile devices is fully implemented.

Available basic functionality

Working room:

The selected and protected virtual space. Access to the Working room by the invitation of the owner. Storage location of data. The data access at the discretion of the owner of three levels "reading", "editing", "all rights" - in the latter case invited itself can add new people to the Working room and give to them the rights – delegation of the rights. Single-instance storage - each document takes the place only once, regardless of the number of copies.

Management of conferences
+ Available functions: create the report, a conference, a working link. Adding of documents to working links.

Scrum is project management

Box of incoming messages for collecting of project information, the description of events on the project, collection of information in backlog, inclusion in routine planning of Sprint, control of accomplishment of assigned tasks, storage of documentation.

oAuth client

Creation of objects for authorization of service or the application in Folio Cloud with preserving of user identification.


The compact application for the detailed overview of the account Folio Cloud. Displays a place expense in online storage and quantities of the used objects. General graphical representation or detailed list.


Schedule, list of teachers, reports and protocols. Management of documents and work on projects. Discussion in the list of news News Feed in the form of a chat. Call by Skype function. The calendar on mobile devices, e.g. on iPhone. Ready templates and instructions on an application tuning.

In versions additional paid and free expansions are available to the organizations.

Price policy

Four versions of Folio Cloud differing with available functionality: primo, allegro, leggero, medio.

Image:Folio Cloud цены на русском TAD 2.jpg

In all versions the free starting volume of online storage of 5 gigabytes in size is provided. This space is tied to a single account. For use of advantages of versions to the organizations (the central administration, purchase of applications, a versifitsirovaniye, the centralized storage and control of data, etc.) acquisition of packets for data storage is recommended. In more detail the prices are presented in the table (see below).

Partnership options:

* Cloud Developer: development and distribution of applications for Folio Cloud
* Affiliate Marketing Partner: partner marketing - the partner earns a reward for each buyer brought thanks to his efforts
* Cloud Broker: integration of service into other products


In 2011 Folio Cloud was mentioned by numerous awards, including Pentadoc ECM-Award for the best solution EMS 2011 and received an award for the second place in the Best in Cloud 2011 nomination of the German specialized weekly Computerwoche in category "Platform-as-a-Service".