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Fujitsu equipped with the IT equipment of DPC of retail network "Tvoye"

Customers: Yours, retail network

Product: DPC Projects of creation and upgrade

Project date: 2011/03  - 2011/12

The Fujitsu company completed the project on the equipment of a data processing center of federal retail network "Tvoye" which integrates 176 own retail and 270 franchasing clothing stores.

The retail network "Tvoye" which was promptly extending according to the development strategy of the company by the beginning of 2011 required complex upgrade of IT infrastructure. All components of the operating IT system — the corporate system of management implemented in the company, a management system for corporate finances, the systems of tracking of instructions, document flow — did not cope with the increased loadings. At some point in "yours" faced merchandising crisis: applications on formation of orders for shipment for own and franchasing shops worked so slowly that retail points sometimes stood idle without goods. For increase in efficiency of IT infrastructure of Tvoye company it was necessary to increase computing powers five times, to provide fault tolerance of all server applications, to systematize and increase efficiency of data backup. It was also required to organize a terminal operation mode of staff of retail network and to improve the server park, gradually taking out of service an obsolete equipment, says Fujitsu.

Specialists of department of IT of Tvoye company developed the program of complex upgrade of IT infrastructure which first stage was creation and start in operation of a modern data processing center. The new DPC had to provide highly effective functioning of all information services "Tvoye" and optimize quality and speed of work with the increasing amounts of data. Four equipment manufacturers, including Fujitsu Technology Solutions took part in the tender for delivery.

On a response of the customer, the solutions proposed by Fujitsu company completely complied with technical requirements "yours", in particular Fujitsu — only of participants of the tender — could guarantee supply of equipment within only four weeks. The optimal price of the equipment, "white" assembly at the plants of Germany and Japan, the single interface of management of all elements of DPC became decisive factors also. Besides, Fujitsu Technology Solutions provided technical support in the 24х7 mode not through the partner companies, and by forces of own engineers of high qualification.

"Initially, when we selected a configuration and vendor, we expected to create a certain platform which afterwards we will be able to improve and broaden according to future tasks — Kartyshev Alexey, the Head of Department of IT noted "yours". — We worked the project so that further not to buy the additional hardware, and to make investments in 'upgrade' of already working DPC which is a crucial element of new IT infrastructure of the company. At a stage of discussion of the project we could get detailed technical advices at engineers of Fujitsu. Such interaction helped us to build the most effective system".

Fujitsu Technology Solutions delivered all necessary equipment for the equipment of DPC: the storage systems of Eternus DX440 S1 intended for work with crucial applications, supercompact tape libraries Eternus LT40 which allow to set up to 24 compartments for tapes and up to 2 tape drives. As the server hardware were selected a blade basket of Primergy BX900 S1, known also as "a dynamic cube". Feature of this solution is flexible construction — it represents the uniform body which contains all dynamic server framework expected installation to the 18th a blade servers. Also within the project the Primergy RX200 S6 and Primergy RX600 S5 rack-servers were delivered.

"Specialists of Fujitsu Technology Solutions performed all complex of balancing and commissioning and also provided training of employees 'yours' — Dmitry Abramov, the head on work with retail chain stores of Fujitsu in Russia and the CIS noted. — After input of DPC in operation the Tvoye company signed the direct service contract which provides formation of a warehouse of necessary spare parts and the subsequent maintenance of the equipment with Fujitsu Technology Solutions".

By the customer's estimates, start of new easily scalable DPC allowed to reduce operating costs "yours" by 50% thanks to cost optimization for management and administration of IT infrastructure. At the same time, increase in availability of software applications allowed to increase labor productivity of staff of the company by 25%. As specialists noted "yours", the created platform will become a basis for further upgrade of IT infrastructure of the company. Capacities of DPC allow to implement freely a full-function management system for retail networks.