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Content Management
Content Services Platforms

Review General Partner:

173px'left 'link = Product: THESIS_Document_and_Task_Management_System

Review Partners:

160px 'left' link = company: DocsVision
link=Статья:СЭД (рынок России)

In recent years, the growth of the EDMS, ECM and CSP market has reached 20-30%, while import substitution has not become the main trend in the corporate segment. Large companies are in no hurry to change previously implemented Western electronic document management systems, mainly due to the need to allocate significant budgets. High competition in the electronic document management market generates dumping, which can slow down the development of the direction, experts warn. The hot technological trend is the active use of artificial intelligence capabilities - this will allow companies to successfully automate many processes related to documents. More...

link=Статья:Крупнейшие поставщики СЭД, ECM и CSP-систем в России

The leader in the rating of the largest suppliers of EDMS, ECM and CSP systems in 2022 was the company "Synthellect." Its revenues increased by 31.3% to 1.3 billion rubles. The second place in the joint rating of vendors and integrators was taken by TerraLink (1.24 billion rubles, -19.9%), the third - by Digital Design Group of Companies (1.16 billion, + 19%). In total, 21 companies took part in the ranking, including 5 integrators specializing in the implementation of third-party development solutions, and 16 vendors. The total revenue of all participants in the rating from the implementation of EDMS, ECM and CSP projects amounted to 9.8 billion rubles. [1]More...

link=Статья:Крупнейшие поставщики СЭД, ECM и CSP-систем в России
Interviews with experts
link=Статья:Генеральный директор Система ТЕЗИС Иван Ласкин?erid=LjN8K5R2u
link=Статья:Олег Бейлезон, директор по продуктам SL Soft: Электронные хранилища данных (ЭХД) — новое применение ECM?erid=LjN8K6fry
link=Статья:Тренды российского рынка СЭД/ECM-систем

When discussing current technologies in the development of Russian EDMS, market participants most often mention the use of artificial intelligence technologies, as well as the possibilities of low-code. However, only these areas are not limited to expanding the functionality of systems. More...

Current projects
link=Статья:Быстрое внедрение СЭД ТЕЗИС в СК Росгосстрах: единое рабочее пространство, повышение уровня автоматизации, переход на цифровой?erid=LjN8KAU6R
link=Статья:Авторский надзор от вендора в проектах внедрения ИТ-систем для бизнеса?erid=LjN8Kaxow
link=Статья:Цитрос (SL Soft): почему автоматизация документооборота не приносит желаемого результата?erid=-

As of December 2023, the TAdviser database contained data on 8 thousand EDMSECM implementation projects/systems. Of these, more than 1.9 thousand projects have been completed over the past 3 years. The top 5 industries - leaders in the introduction of EDMS in 2021-2023 include the sectors of construction, IT, trade, finance, as well as the public sector.

link=Статья:СЭД в России: отраслевая специфика
Modern products for electronic document management
link=Статья:Возможности модуля искусственного интеллекта в СЭД ТЕЗИС?erid=LjN8K9UZe

In 2023, the ED THESIS team completed the development of an artificial intelligence module. Its main goal is to facilitate the work of users in the system as much as possible, identify and automate recurring events, take over routine processes, adapt the interface for maximum convenience and efficiency. Individual tasks can be fully robotized, that is, they will be performed in the background, without human participation at all. The AI module built into the EDMS THESIS can be used for any business processes in the system, without restrictions. This will take automation to a completely new level and significantly simplify the work of users. Now the AI module in the EDMS THESIS has no analogues on the market. We will tell you how the AI module was developed in the EDMS THESIS, what components are included in it and how it will be possible to use the new capabilities of the system. More...

link=Статья:Как сделать архив электронным и не наступить на грабли?erid=LjN8KPDrq

A large business company processes about 1,000,000 documents annually. Over time, important business documents, such as letters, contracts, or project documents, can reach significant volumes and take up expensive storage space, and manually searching for relevant data takes up employee time. IT solutions help organizations reduce costs and accelerate business processes by converting business documents into digital records. How to keep up with technology, manage creation and maintenance costs, and ensure data security and security will be discussed in this article. More...

link=Статья:Как автоматизировать работу ОЦО с помощью цифровой бухгалтерии от EnDocs?erid=LjN8K7R1a

To reduce costs, many companies are moving to shared service centers. These are structures that take on routine tasks: they maintain equipment, maintain order in the office, conduct accounting, personnel workflow and document management. We understand in the article what SSCs are needed for and how to make their work as effective as possible. More...

link=Статья:SOICA: как OCR помогает автоматизировать документооборот?erid=LjN8KBhrh

Almost all large and medium-sized companies have switched to working with electronic documents - this applies to both document management with counterparties and the digitization of paper versions. In both cases, OCR solutions are used together with EDMS (and other systems for storage and processing of documents). They allow you to extract information from scan images and digital copies of structured and unstructured documents of any type, thus automating the work of various departments. Let's take a closer look at typical scenarios for using modern OCR solutions implemented by the SOICA team of SL Soft. More...

link=Статья:Топ-6 новинок Directum RX: от no-code до генеративных моделей?erid=LjN8K3SjX

The past year has become a period of dynamic changes: generative artificial intelligence has burst into all spheres, the trend for "low-code" and "no-code" development has developed, and legislation has been updated. In the face of rapid changes, Directum is not standing still and is developing its products to cover the growing needs of a wide variety of customers. In 2023, Directum RX introduced new features that users appreciated. We talk about the main

link=Статья:СХЭД — привыкаем к новой аббревиатуре, или 3-я компьютерная революция в архивах?erid=LjN8K1m7D

Document archives are not a new thing, but are now undergoing a digital transformation, and this topic has become one of the most discussed among information technology and document management specialists. In this article, we will try to look at it comprehensively, from the position of a vendor who is part of this archival world. We will look at the history of digitalization of archives, the development, current state, problems and prospects of the relevant regulatory framework, as well as the possibilities and examples of creating modern archives of paper and electronic archives on the Docsvision platform.


The TAdviser base has more than 1900 EDMS projects completed from January 2021 to December 2023. The largest number of known implementations were implemented with Directum RX and ELMA365 ECM solutions.

Electronic Document Management Systems, EDMS, Enterprise Content Management, ECM, Corporate Information Management, What is EDMS, What is ECM, ECM World Market, ECM Main Trends, Russian EDMS/ECM Market, EDMS in Russia: industry specificity, Major EDMS/ECM projects, SaaS, EDI or electronic data exchange EDMS, TerraLink xDE, LETOGRAF, ECM, SAPERION, TEZIS, ELMA Logic, Corporate Systems - Consulting (KS-Consulting), Digital Design, NAUMEN, Electronic Office Systems - EOS, Cognitive Technologies (Cognitive Technology), Atlas Soft, Haulmont, LANIT, DocsVision, Case (EOS), Directum (EDMS), ELMA BPM Suite, NauDoc, Ye1 Euphrates, 1C: Document Flow 8, LanDocs, EMC Documentum


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