Customers: Grinn Korporation Contractors: France Informatique & Technologie (FIT, ФИТ) Product: GESTORI ProProject date: 2011/06 - 2011/12
The FIT company completed automation of the twenty second hypermarket of LINIYa network.
The FIT company equipped hypermarket with POS terminals, having set the line from 32 modern, high-performance and reliable cash OMRON POS FIT-7000K systems.
At the heart of network management IT solution Line - the information systems developed in FIT company and completely integrated, including a management system for merchandising of GESTORI Pro, uniform for all network, and the cash POS-FIT-K system of version 5.01 installed on POS terminals of the hypermarkets which are a part of network. Besides, the specialized analytical system of the class BI DiAna is separately used for efficiency analysis of work of the network enterprise in general and each hypermarket : Digital Analytics Pro.
Olga Pavlovskaya, deputy CEO, director of retail trade: "Thanks to GESTORI Pro I have an opportunity, being in the central office, to keep under control and to manage such difficult objects as the hypermarkets located at huge distances from each other".