Customers: Fleksbank (Fleksinvest Bank) Financial services, investments and audit Contractors: Center of Financial Technologies (CFT) Product: CFT BankНа базе: Oracle Database Project date: 2012/01
Fleksbank and the Center of Financial Technologies completed implementation in technology infrastructure of Fleksbank of a complex of the Applications "Card Module" CFT Bank for ensuring IT support of a new banking product – the credit card "Flekskomfort".
Within the partnership agreement between Fleksbank and CFT in IT infrastructure of Bank Applications of CFT for support of the transactions reflecting features of a new banking product – the credit card "Flekskomfort" were implemented.
"For Fleksbank the most important – convenience and reliability of our products to the client. Implementation of a product on the platform CFT Bank is a part of our strategy for creation of the IT infrastructure focused on retail market. At us attractive to the holder, but a product, difficult in terms of program service, – the credit card "Flekskomfort" with a possibility of profitable placement and the order own means. To provide the maximum usability to the client to both a credit, and deposit part of functionality of the credit card "Flekskomfort", the standard platform of service of credit cards appeared insufficiently. Specialists of CFT helped us to implement more difficult, combined system of service of the card", - the Chairman of the board of Fleksbank Marina Mishuris says.
During the project IT specialists of bank together with an implementation team of CFT did the large volume of works: along with implementation of a complex of Applications of CFT "Card module" under a new card product the functionality set in ABS bank regarding support of deposit transactions, the reporting under payment cards, interactions with a processing center is configured. According to requirements of Bank five new Applications of CFT necessary for a new product – the credit card of Fleksbank were developed.
Implementation of new modules of the automated banking system provided to Bank ample opportunities for further business development and first of all - in the sphere of remote customer service, priority for Fleksbank, – holders of the credit card of Fleksbank.
"The joint project of Fleksbank and CFT is a striking example of how the interest of financial institution in innovations passes into the practical plane, – Andrey Visyashchev, the Chairman of the board of the CFT Group notes. – Always very much imposes us to work with partners who are in search of the new ideas create new interesting financial products. And our technological solutions help them to realize these ideas. The success of such innovation projects in many respects depends on interest business and IT specialists of bank in achievement of the end result. We thank Fleksbank IT command for their responsible approach to case, aiming at result, high professionalism. We hope that our partnership will proceed, and new IT projects also will develop further in the atmosphere of mutual understanding and kind cooperation".