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Баннер в шапке 2

Fleksbank (Fleksinvest Bank)


Fleksbank is the trademark belonging to JSC Fleksinvest Bank. Fleksinvest Bank is universal commercial bank which 100% of stocks belong to Aurora Russia Limited investment fund (Great Britain).

Today it is dynamically developing highly technological bank focused on providing a full range of financial products and services for individuals. Now the bank offers credit cards, deposits and mortgage loans.

License of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 3089 of 9/29/2008. The bank is a member of the Russian deposit insurance system, the member of MasterCard payment system, the member ISS (Integrated Settlement System).



In November, 2011 Fleksbank announced reorganization of structure of an internal technology platform and now renders the maximum number of services remotely. The bank is going to develop remote customer service. For this purpose the technology platform of bank was considerably improved, and the structure of the website is completely changed. Now it is possible to submit the application for receiving the credit card or a mortgage loan, without leaving the house. The client can independently select the most convenient method of interaction with bank – using modern communication channels: phone and the Internet or to visit cozy office, without vanity and queues.

For example, for receiving the credit card it is enough to fill out on the website the request on-line, and the provisional solution on the credit the bank will send the sms within 5 minutes. It is necessary to arrive to department once to take away the card. In addition, clients of bank received active SMS service (an opportunity to obtain information on the card and transactions on the mobile phone). For obtaining the solution on the mortgage request it is also possible to send the scanned documents. On the basis of the analysis of the received documents the bank in the shortest possible time makes the provisional solution on crediting and sends it to the client by e-mail. The conclusion of the mortgage transaction happens in office of Fleksbank. Now the bank offers credit cards, deposits and mortgage loans.

"Our bank keeps up to date and therefore we constantly improve our products and services, meeting all modern requirements of the market, trying not to lag behind his leaders. Being leveled on the leading players providing banking services remotely we improved our technology platform in such a way that clients do not need to come several times to bank for execution of one agreement, and practically for any service he can address us without leaving the house", - Marina Mishuris, the chairman of the board commented on Fleksinvest of Bank.