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Apple survives Microsoft from business market


27.01.12, 13:21, Msk
Текст: Sergey Mazharov

Apple one behind another removes the obstacles created by Microsoft on the way to corporate users. On average at the enterprises one of five employees uses at least one device from Apple, analysts counted.

According to Forrester which polled more than 13 thousand employees and IT specialists in 17 countries, more than 20% of employees of the enterprises use the structures of Apple often purchased independently today. The overview includes not only devices that are applied at offices, but also in general to work

The research Forrester showed that 15% of the polled employees use one branded structure of Apple at work, another 6% use more than one of the three of iPhone, iPad and Mac. In the amount this share of employees makes 21%. Among respondents of 11% noted that use iPhone, iPad - 9%, Mac - 8%.

The IT heads polled by Forrester are going to issue to the employees in 2012 52% more Mac computers, in comparison with previous year. In 2011 nearly a half (46%) of the polled companies said that they already offer employees of the Mac device as an alternative the PC under Windows OS. Actually the share of the Mac computers distributed to employees last year made only 7% of all computers. It corresponds to unambiguous digits of a share of use of Mac in the world (6.4%) that last month was confirmed by measurements of Net Applications company.

The release of iPhone allowed Apple to become more active significantly in the market of corporate users. It was in 2010 after release of iPad and the updated MacBook Air. All together they "made the case", the analyst of Forrester Research company Frank Gillett considers. Emergence of these devices became the beginning of the end of long monopoly of Microsoft in the business sector.

Franck Gillette notes that if to carry out inventory of ADP equipment (being guided by OS), which workers use for work, and not just those that are registered for the organization, the considerable share of devices with OS not - Windows will be detected. "More than a quarter of these devices are controlled anything, but not Windows. Microsoft spent years in preparation of Windows Phone and future Windows 8 with the Metro interface, but as now it will be difficult for Apple to push away back and Android, it is the end of monopoly of Microsoft for the devices used at work", - Gillette told.

He called corporate strategy of Apple "nonconventional", determining by it difference in ways of implementation which were used by Microsoft, building and creating management tools, specific to business. "They (Apple is a comment of TAdviser) have a tradition of rather corporate strategy? No, but they are guided by the personality, doing products which end users admire. Besides, when they begin to support corporate IT, for example, having included Exchange support [on iPhone], they do it so that users should not address for support in divisions of IT", - the analyst told.