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Implementing solution on production management

Customers: Chelyabinsk Tube Rolling Plant (ChTPZ)

Product: Malahit:MES

Project date: 2009/06

In 2011 in a short time of Malakhit LLC automated accounting of production on an electrosteel-smelting complex - one of the most progressive productions of Russia - "Iron Ozone 32" of Pervouralsky Novotrubny Works (enters into the company. ChTPZ).

The new workshop of ChTPZ company "Iron Ozone 32" in which ceremony of start-up the prime minister Putin V.V. participated is known for the innovative technologies of production and the advanced design. ESPK provided the ChTPZ enterprises with the high-quality, meeting all standards and the requirements procurement for production of seamless pipes. 950,000 tons of steel allow to release its production capacities annually, having involved only 300 people of personnel. While the average indicator across Russia is 1.1 thousand tons on the person in a year, the steelmaker of "Iron Ozone 32" is annually capable to make to 3.4 thousand tons, i.e. it is three times more.

Suppliers of technologies and the equipment, including a MES system selected SMS SIEMAG company - the world leader in release of the equipment for metallurgy, and for data integration from a MES system from Malahit: ERP and automation of accounting of production of an electrosteel-smelting complex the ChTPZ company attracted one of the leading software developers in Chelyabinsk region and the permanent partner Malakhit IT company.

During the project integration of the MES system delivered together with the new equipment into the general corporate system of Malahit was implemented: ERP is also organized data exchange between them using structural messages, so-called telegrams.

Specialists of Malakhit company together with customer representatives took active part in development of a technique of accounting of production, new to ChTPZ. New production in terms of accounting organically fitted into the general information system as all features of new workshop were considered, and accounting according to all requirements of account policy of ChTPZ company was at the same time organized. In only 2 months Malakhit developed and implemented the module which covers and considers key stages of production process and solves all problems of production accounting:

  • accounting of receipt, existence and task in production of the main and auxiliary materials necessary for smelting of continuous and cast procurement,
  • data recording of melting cards,
  • accounting of the movement of products on all production stages from work in progress to finished goods,
  • accounting of movement of procurement on divisions of the plant (an electrosteel-smelting complex - workshop of preparation of production - hot workshop), accounting of "otvetkhraneniye" of procurement in warehouses of other divisions, etc.,
  • accounting of quality (formation of requests for tests in factory laboratories, registration of tests, execution of quality certificates and passports of procurement),
  • execution of all necessary shipment documents,
  • automatic data transmission about procurement shipment to the enterprise - the consumer in ChTPZ,
  • automatic formation of balance of metal on calculation groups of products,
  • the analysis of the actual account coefficients of the main and auxiliary materials both on calculation groups of products, and by each melting.

Implementation of this project allowed to organize operational accounting of production of nepreryvnolity procurement and to provide with necessary information all modules Malahit: ERP is such as accounting, economical analysis, logistics, finance, etc.