Customers: Mospromstroy Construction and industry of construction materials Contractors: Antegra Consulting Product: 1C: Payroll and HR Management 8На базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.0 Project date: 2012/01
Number of licenses: 60
The management of Mospromstroy Ltd made the decision on need of unification of conducting personnel records for all 19 branches of the organization and its automation based on a single system "1C: Payroll and HR Management 8". The Mospromstroy company wanted to pass from conducting personnel records in different branches in the separate systems to a single system which would allow to unify processes, having made at the same time conducting personnel records of 8,000 employees of the company transparent.
The Mospromstroy company organized the tender and as the partner in automation selected Antegra consulting company. Specialists of "Antegra consulting" suggested to create an automated system on the basis of the standard solution "1C: Payroll and HR Management 8" and "from scratch" to finish blocks of accounting of the staff list, employee development, migration registration and accounting of medical examinations, saving at the same time a possibility of updates. Also it was necessary to automate about 40 business processes of office-work among which there is a block of registration of personnel, the block of maintaining the staff list, control block the personnel mode, control block employee development, the block of migration registration, the block of accounting of medical examinations, etc. All project had to be implemented according to GOST 34. Initially the consultants-programmers "Antegra consulting" conducted examination of business processes, developed the outline sketch. At the second stage of the project they developed a configuration, held its testing and developed instructions for users. Within the third stage a system was put into operation in several branches, training of the first two groups is provided. At the final stage of the project a system was put into operation in all other branches, training of employees is complete.
The implemented system based on "1C: Payroll and HR Management 8" allowed to achieve the following goals of Mospromstroy Ltd:
- reduction of time for decision making at all levels of personnel management;
- quality improvement of personnel solutions;
- efficiency of preparation of the reporting for state bodies according to the Russian statutory and regulatory requirements;
- solution of the problem of formation of the summary reporting under all organization;
- introduction of uniform personnel reference books and qualifiers;
- overcoming problem of duplication or mismatch of data of personnel records and staff list.
In the course of implementation 60 jobs were automated.