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Work experience with Infinity TAXI in taxi service Sonata

Customers: Taxi Sonata (Phaeton)


Product: Infinity Taxi
На базе: Call Center Infinity

Project date: 2012/03

According to Alexander Dmitriyev, the associate director Phaeton (Sonata brand), practically from the moment of opening of service the management of the organization thought of what software to use to accelerate work of personnel: "Even at the very beginning of work contacted developer company which created own program of automation of the taxi based on 1C, but this product for firm was very heavy in the financial plan – it was necessary to pay about one million rubles so for a while it was necessary to postpone search and to work at notebooks and analog phones. But in 2009 when came to 1000 orders a day, the company returned to search of the software again".

In the course of the analysis of the solutions which are present at the market the management got acquainted practically with all possible options and stopped the choice on Infinity TAXI.

As Alexander Dmitriyev notes, this product had the main advantage - the built-in professional call center which already proved in the Russian market. Other suppliers did not have it at that time.

"When began to implement a product, met the first organizational difficulties, were afraid that something can not turn out. However highly skilled technical support worked very quickly and already within three years everything regularly works, – Alexander Dmitriyev tells about Infinity TAXI implementation process. – In spite of the fact that initially operators apprehended innovations cautiously, now they do not represent the work without Infinity any more. As a result one operator is capable to service about 700 orders for the 12th hour shift. Our quantity of calls varies from 1500 to 5000-6000 in change (in January), i.e. in day from 2000 to 10 000 calls. But we manage to service not everything, it is connected with the limited park of machines and our price segment – we position ourselves as the premium and business taxi. Anyway we are more interested in service quality, than in number of the processed requests".

Practically all functionality of Infinity TAXI, including GPS navigation, a taximeter and the SMS is used. In the next plans for the future - implementation of an automatic call with gratitude for the appeal to the company, creation of own website and transition to new generation of a product – Infinity TAXI X.