Customers: T3C system - Federal purchasing union (FPU) Contractors: 1C-Rarus Product: 1C-Rarus: Shopping complex Food Products, red 8На базе: 1C:Enterprise 8.3 Project date: 2008/11 - 2009/01
Number of licenses: 60
The 1C-Rarus company automated activity of System T3C Ltd on the platform "1C: Predriyatiye 8". Software "1C-Rarus became a basis of the accounting system of customer company : Shopping complex. Food products, edition 8".
High degree of controllability which can be reached due to inclusion of all partners in the unified information system is necessary for effective functioning of similar structure.
For this purpose the management of the T3C System addressed to 1C-Rarus company. 1C-Rarus developed by specialists on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform the software product "1C-Rarus: Shopping complex. Food products, edition 8" answered the key tasks set for an automated system:
- compliance to specifics of work of customer company;
- possibility of processing and analysis of large volume of data;
- the centralized administration of all system.
As a result of implementation the business processes, most important for the Customer, are automated:
- vendor relationship management;
- purchase management;
- accounting of settlement;
- complex analysis of aspects of activity;
- creation of a set of the management reporting of the enterprise.
The EDI technology gives the chance to the Customer:
- reduce time of passing of business cycle "order delivery" due to automatic entering of information into the accounting systems of suppliers. Increase data processing rate;
- to quickly solve technical issues thanks to existence of own Data Processing Center (DPC) which is available in "1C: Networks". Control data transmission channel;
- reduce quantity of the errors caused by different interpretation of documents thanks to timely obtaining the messages about the status sent documents.