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Mechel announces implementation of a uniform HRM system on 1C: Payroll and HR Management

Customers: Mechel

Moscow; Metallurgical industry

Product: 1C:Enterprise 8. Management of corporate finances
На базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.0
Second product: 1C:Enterprise 8.3

Project date: 2009/03  - 2017/07
Number of licenses: 47000
The project team from the customerIntegrator Consultant
Cherepovich Yulia (Project manager)
не указана


On June 1, 2017 within the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum PJSC Mechel and 1C Company signed the agreement on establishment of partnership in the field of informatization for strategy implementation of import substitution of the foreign software in PJSC Mechel.

New level of strategic partnership will allow to increase quality of process automation of financial and economic activity of the enterprises of PJSC Mechel using solutions based on the Russian software of 1C Company and will promote substitution of the information systems implemented based on the foreign software.

Within strategy implementation of import substitution of the foreign software the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform was selected from the Mechel Group. In PJSC Mechel the project on transfer of the enterprises on a single system of accounting and tax accounting is already successfully executed. Less than in one year more than 30 companies of Group are transferred to this system.

The project supposes creation of single industry solutions for each division of Mechel based on large enterprises, such as Southern Kuzbass and Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant. It will allow to unify and automate industry processes of production, managerial and regulated accounting.

The general agreement assumes the organization of effective interaction and exchange of experience between specialists of PJSC Mechel and developers of ERP solutions of 1C Company, to optimize costs for their implementation.

PJSC Mechel set for itself the important task - to transfer all Russian enterprises of Group to a single platform of planning, accounting and reporting that will allow to increase efficiency of planning and control, including to reduce terms of preparation of financial statements both according to the Russian standards, and on international. For these purposes we selected 1C company which software products will allow us to raise in the best way extent of automation in partners and also to manage effectively changes from the uniform center", - the Chief financial officer of PJSC Mechel Sergey Rezontov commented on agreement signature.

In further plans of PJSC Mechel transfer of all companies of Group on a single system of personnel management and payroll based on 1C: Payroll and HR Management 3 for more than 66 thousand employees. Within a single system about 1.5 thousand jobs are going to automate.

2009: In Mechel company conducting accounting and tax accounting is automated

The data center "1C-Rarus" automated conducting accounting and tax accounting according to the Russian standards in Mechel company using the software product "1C: Predpriyatiye8. Management of corporate finances".

Creation of the automated control system allowing to obtain the consolidated information on nine enterprises of holding for accounting under RAS became a main objective of the project; analyze activity of these enterprises for providing the detailed reporting to interested persons.

After carrying out the tender the 1C-Rarus company is selected.

During implementation the following business processes were automated:

  • Accounting under RAS and tax statements.

Project implementation allowed the customer to achieve the following results:

  • Create the unified information system (for conducting accounting and tax accounting) to which data from separate information bases of each of 9 enterprises are transferred. Provide reliability of the postponed information, solve problems of its consolidation and detailing. Obtaining information on all enterprises by each wiring (more than 5 million pieces), each account (more than 200 pieces) is possible.
  • For 30% to reduce labor costs by introduction of accounting due to automatic consolidation of data.
  • Unify the main reference books, including, according to cost items, an other income and expenses.
  • Receive the flexible system of the detailed reporting allowing to create report forms on analytical signs necessary for the company for preparation of the reporting of US GAAP. The management can estimate in detail efficiency of each enterprise, up to control of each wiring.
  • Automate accounting under RAS in uniform base that will allow to reduce labor costs by consolidation of information at the central office for 40%, to reduce reporting terms by 3 times, will raise accuracy of the information.
  • Implement a subsystem of accounting of the financial investments in accounting and tax accounting.
  • Optimize conducting tax accounting due to automatic filling of all sheets of declarations for income taxes.
  • An opportunity to receive a transparent picture on work with the credits and loans both on the enterprises in group, and on external partners. Thereby to increase efficiency of operations on the credits and loans.

The project manager from the Customer – Yuli Cherepovich, the director of management of accounting and tax accounting of JSC Mechel, so estimated its results: "We aim to save the leading market positions, to use advantages of synergy between the key directions of our activity. For accomplishment of these tasks it is very important to us to optimize as much as possible business processes of the company, to reduce time expenditure and to increase the volume of the processed information, having minimized its losses. Using specialists of data center "1C-Rarus" we received a single system of accounting and tax accounting which integrates 9 enterprises of the company so far. The created information system allows to react quickly to the changes which are constantly happening in the Russian legislation and to provide company management with a qualitative and solid data for acceptance of management decisions".