Customers: Shokoladnitsa (Gallery Alex) Moscow; Tourism, hotel and restaurant business Contractors: 1C-Rarus Product: 1C-Rarus: Management of restaurantНа базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.2 Project date: 2008/11 - 2009/02
Number of licenses: 100
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The project team from the customer | Integrator Consultant |
Rashevskaya Nadezhda (Project manager)
не указана |
The 1C-Rarus company executed the project of development and deployment of the automation system of management accounting in network of Shokoladnitsa coffee shops on the basis of the software product "1C-Rarus: Management of restaurant".
For increase in effective management of the enterprise the company management made the decision on transition to the new information system allowing to work with the large volume of information in the multi-user mode, and, considering the dynamic growth of the company, easily scalable.
The head of IT Department of Shokoladnitsa network Gennady Sbytov so commented on the arisen need of implementation of a new ACS: "Account was kept on each coffee shop in separate bases, and it was very difficult to consolidate data. Because of technological limits it was necessary to begin maintaining new bases periodically. As a result of their number by a certain moment passed for 200.
A system did not support a possibility of accounting on several divisions in one base. As a result at each accountant on each division the separate base, and both for accounting, and for management accounting was created. A part of the management reporting formed means of spreadsheets.
As the partner in automation the 1C-Rarus company having wide experience of project implementation on complex automation of the enterprises of a power supply with the distributed structure of divisions was selected.
The 1C-Rarus company offered the Customer complex approach to automation of network based on the software product "1C-Rarus: Management of restaurant" on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform.
Solution and its result
As a result of the executed project business processes of inventory, production accounting, control of cost value and management of pricing were automated:
Inventory control
Inventory control of products, semi-finished products and dishes is automated. Full stroke: order, receipt, movement, inventory, write-off. For accounting material proizvodsvtennykh stocks on each warehouse it is possible to use different methods of their assessment: "on an average" or "FIFO". The possibility of accounting of goods on additional characteristics (expiration dates, safety certificates), itemized write-off (damage, a power supply of personnel, etc.), regrading accounting is implemented.
A system allows to trace the entering prices of suppliers, to compare to previous periods, to select optimal conditions of purchase of products by different criteria, to consider seasonal fluctuations and changes in the market.
The estimation period of a current debt before suppliers is reduced: from 1 day to 1 minute.
In connection with specifics of the company – internal transfers between divisions, minimize double entry of documents – issue documents in base of division sender and receipt – in base of division receiver.
Production accounting
Cost value control is considerably facilitated. A system allows to keep production account (sets, dishes, semi-finished products) with cost accounting, accounting of possible investment shortages of products when forming cost value. Calculation of himikoenergetichesky characteristics of dishes (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, caloric content, etc.)
Cost accounting errors at the movement of products and semi-finished products between a warehouse, workshop and Shokoladnitsami are excluded. A system allows to avoid goods issue from a warehouse and its prikhodovaniye by the cost accountant at different cost value.
The unrolled accounting of semi-finished products is automated. Considering use of semi-finished products at preparation of dishes, a system allows to control use of the corresponding compoundings at cost accounting. The analysis of an average expense and requirements of production gives the chance to minimize a daily raw material stock in a warehouse and also saves time at determination of the correct amount of the ordered raw materials.
Orders from coffee shops in confectionery workshop are automated. On their basis replaceable tasks for production form that optimizes work of employees and a consumption of raw materials.
Maintaining accounting information on this module allows to create the seasonal and updated menu according to data retrieveds.
Implementation accounting
After closing of cash day and carrying out implementation formation of a number of analytical reports is possible: analysis of sales, analysis of sales and write-offs, rating of sales, ABC-XYZ analysis of dishes. With their help it is possible to trace a margin on dishes, flowing fudkost on each coffee shop, profitability of each dish and a set of other indicators.
According to the project manager from the Customer – Rashevskoy Nadezhda: "The created unified information system automated the main business processes of the enterprise: work of the central office and remote divisions – a warehouse and workshop. A system allows to process in the central base more than 600 thousand documents a year.
Accounting on several divisions in one base allowed to reduce labor costs of employees by information processing twice.
We could optimize number of staff, having twice cut down expenses. At the same time growth of number of coffee shops does not require a staff increase of accountants.
The centralized collecting and storage of both help, and operational information, allows to exclude its zadvaivaniye.
Thanks to a possibility of drawing up the consolidated statements, the company management can control financial performance and receive reports on results of activity of the enterprise".