Target of CNews: Leaders in service of the computer equipment in Russia
For the first time in May, 2012 the Target of CNews - new visual representation of current situation in the Russian outsourcing market of service computer and office equipments is prepared. A problem of rating - to show the level of nearness of service providers to perfect service company. Among aiming in "apple" - "YuNIT-Orgtekhnika", Optima, Softline and "CST Service".
The target of CNews suggests to estimate visually alignment of forces in the market of IT outsourcing regarding service computer and office equipments in Russia. Key parameters of comparison of suppliers - standardization of the offer, a geographical coverage and availability of services, accounting of individual requirements, existence of the systems of quality management and certificates ISO, price flexibility and completeness of the offer, existence of the detailed SLA and also satisfaction of the customer.
The bull's eye of the Target is hit by perfect service company - she is capable to provide the widest geographical covering with forces of own regional divisions, to guarantee uniform quality and availability of service, shows reasonable prices on a broad set of versatile services, adheres to tough standardization, however is capable to service specific individual needs of certain customers. The leaders of the rating the Target of CNews - "YuNIT-Orgtekhnika", Optima, Softline and "CST Service" aim at this perfect service company. In total during the research 40 providers of such services were considered.
The leader of the rating - YuNIT-Orgtekhnika company - provides complex maintenance computer and office equipments. Feature of the proposal of this player – provision of services on outsourcing of outlets that does "YuNIT-Orgtekhniku", among other, by the attractive partner for the companies in the field of retail. In addition, the supplier is focused at work in the banking sector, insurance, a telecom, energy industry and a public sector. The company is provided in all regions of the Russian Federation and its network covers about 800 cities.
The price offer "YuNIT-Orgtekhniki" is the most attractive among other analyzed companies. Besides, "UNIT office equipment" offers the widest - against the background of other players - a range of services, and the polled customers of the company show rather high degree of satisfaction. To additional pluses - historical specialization on this a type services and forward building of examination in this direction. At the same time, the company could win, having published more detailed descriptions of the offered services on the website and having given to customers a choice opportunity from several standardized service packages with different characteristics of SLA.
Another centrostremyashchiysya the player - Optima, the technology holding rendering full range of services: from development of business applications before engineering and construction of power facilities. IT outsourcing – one of the main activities of the company within which the company offers outsourcing of jobs and printing, as well as service of the engineering systems, the PCS and telemechanics, business applications, IT infrastructure and communication systems. The company is provided in all regions of the Russian Federation in the cities with population over 50 thousand people.
Especially good results of the company managed to be achieved in completeness of the offer and standardization of procedures. Level of satisfaction of customers of Optima Group is slightly lower than an average that is explainable for the company with wide regional network: for such companies ensuring evenly high satisfaction of customers in all points of presence is especially difficult task. It should be noted that existence of more detailed descriptions of the described services on the website would allow the company to achieve more good result.
The Softline company provides a broad spectrum of IT services: from licensing of the software before providing computing powers in "cloud". IT outsourcing – one of many directions in a broad spectrum of offers of the company. Softline differs in broad regional presence: offices of the company are opened in 35 cities of Russia and in many states of the CIS.
The company offers enough full range of services, and customers of Softline show rather high level of satisfaction. At the same time, price conditions of Softline - in comparison with other players - can be optimized. Providing more detailed descriptions of outsourcing services on the website would also allow the company to achieve more good result. The CST Service company relatively appeared recently in the market, in comparison with other players. It positions itself as federal service provider on infrastructure maintenance and the equipment, including the cash registers, the weight equipment and the bank equipment. The company locates network of 82 branches and 387 service divisions on all federal districts of the Russian Federation, at the same time each branch is certified as the Maintenance Center (MC).
Proceeding from results of a research, it is possible to assume that the company there is not enough openness, including - more detailed descriptions of the offered services and more obvious references. In general this market shows rather high closeness - often owing to existence of certain nondisclosure agreements of information with the customers. In return, customers are in rare instances ready to highly appreciate the providers in a situation of semi-anonymous poll. The purpose of new rating the Target of CNews - to assist increase in transparency and objectivity of estimates in understanding of a situation in the market of IT outsourcing in this direction.
Description of a technique
At the heart of the Target of CNews - visual model of assessment of service providers on complex service computer and office equipments.
The target is crossed on the center two straight lines: a horizontal straight line "availability – completeness of the offer" and a vertical straight line "Standard procedures – individual approach". Each straight line combines two base characteristics of the offer between which in practice it is difficult to reach balance: the beneficial price often goes to damage to completeness of the offer, and the universal standardized approach can lead to the fact that individual needs of the customer will not be considered to the right degree.
To get to the center of a target, the supplier should prove the high level of the offer on each of four base characteristics. The remoteness of "hit" of the supplier from the center is determined by an average score by all four basic parameters. At the same time, the direction of shift of "shot" aside from the center will be defined depending on on what of base characteristics in each pair ("Availability — completeness of the offer" and "Individual approach — standard procedures") will achieve the least favorable result.
On each of four basic criteria the proposal of the supplier is estimated on a scale from 0 to 5 (fractional values are possible). Some of four basic criteria in "target" actually are cumulative, i.e. they are calculated on the basis of several more private characteristics of the offer and/or at their calculation the results achieved on other base characteristics are taken into account.
In the Completeness of the Offer parameter existence in the proposal of the supplier of basic and additional services is considered. Are among basic services service computer and office equipments, network equipment. The additional services offered by different suppliers differ. The most frequent offer – support of business applications. Also other services meet: support of the PCS, service of trading floors, IP telephony, "electronic queue", engineering systems, etc. The more additional services the supplier in addition to basic services offers, the final assessment is higher. Other parameters affecting "Completeness of the offer" – the width of geographical network of the supplier and existence of the agreements with suppliers and distributors allowing the supplier to perform operational replacement of component parts and supplies.
The Availability parameter considers price characteristic of the offer. As the range of services, rendered by each supplier, is unique, exclusively basic services for service of workstations and support of office equipment are exposed to comparison.
The Standard Procedures parameter considers, extent of standardization in activity of the supplier is how high. At the same time "standardization" is interpreted rather widely: here the offer of the standardized service packets focused on customers with different requests at the price and level of the rendered service enters as existence of formal certificates (ISO, certificates of suppliers), and the detailed description of structure of the offered services and types of the supported equipment on the website.
The Individual approach parameter considers degree of satisfaction of customers of the supplier, respondents during rating.