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Map Maker SPC of transfers data backup to IaaS service

Customers: Map Maker

Moscow; Science and education

Contractors: Softline
Product: Softline SCloud

Project date: 2012/06  - 2013/06

The Map Maker Research and Production Center is starting to use the Softline IaaS platform - SCloud.


Softline has completed a project to transfer part of the IT infrastructure of the Map Maker SPC to the Scloud IaaS platform.

Due to the need to quickly scale server resources, the IT service of Map Maker faced the task of building a fault-tolerant flexible infrastructure for storing backup files. It was decided to implement the project using modern cloud technologies. The choice of cloud solution provider is made in favor of Softline.

The process of migrating a backup server to the cloud is implemented in several stages: deploying and configuring virtual servers under the customer at the Scloud site, configuring the infrastructure, migrating the necessary data, installing application server software, granting access rights to the working system.


"With the use of cloud technologies, we were able to achieve scalability indicators without increasing the capital costs of expanding the server fleet, which meet not only modern requirements, but fully meet our needs. Therefore, we continue to actively use cloud technologies in our work, "said Alexey Solomakhov, director of production issues at the Map Maker SPC.