Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Automation of financial and economic activity of JSC Scientific Research Institute Vektor

Customers: NII-Vektor

Electrical and Microelectronics

Contractors: AstroSoft
Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.2
На базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.0

Project date: 2012/03
Number of licenses: 65

The AstroSoft company completed automation of financial and economic activity of JSC Scientific Research Institute Vektor on the basis of the Software Product 1s: Upravleniye proizvodstvennym predpriyatiyem 8.

Initially all business processes of JSC Scientific Research Institute Vektor were automated using different solutions. Considering multifilial structure of the enterprise, it considerably complicated reporting and prevented to obtain necessary information quickly. Development of the uniform corporate standard of JSC Concern of Radio Engineering Vega became a push to search of a new solution for optimization of management processes. Before JSC Scientific Research Institute Vektor, vkhodyashchego v sostav kontserna, stoyala zadacha avtomatizatsii upravlencheskogo, bukhgalterskogo i nalogovogo ucheta dlya obespecheniya dostovernosti i svoyevremennosti poluchayemoy otchetnosti. V kachestve platformy byla vybrana sistema 1s: Upravleniye proizvodstvennym predpriyatiyem 8.

Complex automation of JSC Scientific Research Institute Vektor was performed by AstroSoft company. In 8 months accounting, tax accounting, accounting of intraeconomic activity, accounting of the export VAT and activity excluding VAT taking into account filial structure of the enterprise, accounting of precious metals, cash management, cost accounting were automated, approaches to automation of a budgeting system are developed. Within this project setup of the software product, data transfer and user training were carried out.

At the moment a system is operated in sixty five workplaces. In a system all necessary opportunities are implemented, automation of additional functions in the future is not excluded. AstroSoft continues consultations of users on work with the program and gives necessary technical support.

"Implementation of the new software product allowed to expand significantly a range of solvable tasks, to begin implementation of new innovation processes in management and to considerably reduce time spent by employees for drawing up managerial and regulated reports", – S.V. noted. Ambulances, deputy CEO for finance and logistics of JSC Scientific Research Institute Vektor.-Blagodarya avtomatizatsii vnutrikhozyaystvennykh operatsy sokratilis trudozatraty na dokumentooborot s filialami, snizilas veroyatnost oshibok. V globalnom aspekte vnedreniya sistemy yavlyaetsya rezultatom rasshireniye vozmozhnostey operativnogo polucheniya dostovernoy informatsii, neobkhodimoy rukovodstvu predpriyatiya dlya prinyatiya upravlencheskikh resheny.