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+ NII-Vektor
+ Government of the Russian Federation


Passive-coherent location stations developed by JSC NII Vector from St. Petersburg (part of Rostec), the principle of operation of which is based on the reflection of a digital television signal. The experimental station is now deployed in St. Petersburg, it has 15 antennas, one of which is aimed at the radiation source, and the rest perceive the reflected signal from UAVs, ships, cars and even people. For example, UAVs of the DJI type are visible 10 km away, vessels in the Gulf of Finland - at a distance of more than 80 km, cars and people - at a distance of 15-17 km. In addition, it becomes possible to determine the speed, trajectory, flight altitude of the drone.



The developer of communication technologies "Inteltech" came under the control of the Research Institute "Vector"

In mid-July 2024, it became known that the developer of communication technologies "Inteltech" changed its owner. The company came under the control of the research institute Vector"," which is part of the state corporation Rostec"." here More.

Detention of ex-staff on embezzlement charges

On June 20, 2024, it became known that former employees of the Vector Virology Center were detained in Novosibirsk, which during the COVID-19 pandemic produced the EpiVacCorona double-dose vaccine. The defendants in the criminal case were the ex-head of one of the sections of "Vector," his wife and another former employee of the institution.

According to the FSB Directorate for the Novosibirsk Region, the head of Vector, who was dismissed in 2024, organized a fraudulent scheme related to the renegotiation of contracts with commercial companies for the provision of services for the collection and transportation of medical waste of hazard class III-IV for subsequent neutralization. These contracts were concluded at a reduced cost. The collection of hazardous waste was to be carried out by companies registered with the relatives of the suspect.

According to the case file, the work was actually carried out by employees of the Vector Center. At the same time, payment for the services provided from 2013 to 2024 was transferred through fictitious individual entrepreneurs to the accounts of the head of the site and his relatives. The total damage caused by fraudsters is estimated at more than 6 million rubles.

The case was initiated on the grounds of crimes under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code: fraud committed using official position on an especially large scale. In addition, the ex-head of "Vector" is suspected of receiving a bribe for assistance in concluding contracts for the supply of packaging for medical waste at inflated prices - part 6 of Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (taking a bribe committed by an official with extortion, as part of a group of persons on an especially large scale). According to the investigation, the suspect received a total of more than 1 million rubles. It is noted that the leadership of the center assisted in the investigation of crimes.[1]


Inclusion in the EU sanctions list

In June 2023, the Vector Research Institute was included in the EU sanctions list. A [2].

Russian IT companies that fell under US, EU and British sanctions in 2022-2024 TAdviser map

Map of sub-sanctioned IT companies. Click to enlarge

TAdviser has drawn up a map the Russian IT of -companies that fell under sanctions in 2022-2024. and USA EU. Britain It included, among other things, the Research Institute "Vector." The article about the map can be found here.

Appointment of Alexander Agafonov as head of the Vector Research Institute

At the end of May 2023, Alexander Agafonov headed the State Scientific Center for Virology and Biotechnology "Vector" of Rospotrebnadzor (developer of the vaccine against the coronavirus COVID-19 "EpiVacCorona") instead of Rinat Maksyutov, who was dismissed a few days earlier due to loss of confidence. Read more here.


Director's dismissal "due to loss of confidence"

On May 17, 2023, it became known about the dismissal of Rinat Maksyutov, Director General of the State Scientific Center for Virology and Biotechnology "Vector." According to Kommersant Siberia, one of the grounds for dismissal was "failure to take measures to resolve and prevent conflicts of interest." Read more here.

Claim for 260 million rubles against Geropharm

On July 22, 2022, Vector-BiAlgam JSC, one of the manufacturers of the EpiVacCorona COVID-19 vaccine, filed a lawsuit against Geropharm demanding to recover 260 million rubles from it. What time did the plaintiff estimate the losses that he claims to have suffered in connection with the receipt of low-quality products. Read more here.

US sanctions

At the end of March 2022, the US Treasury Department announced the imposition of sanctions against the Russian technology sector. In particular, restrictions are imposed on the chip manufacturer Micron, the Research Institute Vector (conducts research and produces equipment in the field of radio engineering and radio electronics, fulfills orders from federal ministries and departments, the Academy of Sciences, universities), as well as the developer of supercomputers "T-Platforms." Read more here.
