Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Infra Telecom (I-T)


Information Technology
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
123112, Presnenskaya embankment, 10, floor 15, place 25

VTB Infrastructure Holding - 49,5%
Vestelcom - 49,5%
Apolonskaya Elena Ivanovna - 1%.
(effective December 7, 2022)


+ Government of the Russian Federation


2023: Creation of JV to develop digital infrastructure in the regions

Rostelecom and VTB Infrastructure Holding have created a joint venture (JV) Infra-Telecom, which will specialize in organizing projects for the development of digital infrastructure in the regions. This was announced on January 30, 2023 to TAdviser by representatives of Rostelecom. According to them, we are talking about the creation of video surveillance and photo and video recording complexes, intelligent transport systems, improving energy efficiency, automating processes in housing and communal services, implementing Safe City projects and other areas.

VTB and Rostelecom created a joint venture for the development of digital infrastructure in the regions
Photo sources: and

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Rostelecom acquired 49.5% in Infra-Telecom LLC through its subsidiary Vestelcom. The deal was closed on December 7, 2022. As part of the transaction, Elena Ivanovna Apolonskaya received 1% in the company. The remaining share in the amount of 49.5% from July 8, 2021 is owned by VTB Infrastructure Holding.

The Infra-Telecom joint venture will combine Rostelecom's digital competencies and VTB Group's extensive experience in organizing financing for regional and municipal infrastructure projects.

The company plans to use public-private partnership mechanisms to finance projects. According to preliminary estimates, the total volume of joint projects implemented by 2025 may amount to 35 billion rubles.

The first project of the joint venture will be the creation of a video surveillance system in the Murmansk region. The goal of the project is to improve public safety in the settlements of the region, especially in places of mass stay of people. In total, it is planned to install more than 1,000 video cameras, as well as introduce an intelligent video analytics system.

As noted in Rostelecom, the project meets the national goals |of the country's development: it is assumed that as a result of the introduction of digital solutions, residents of different parts of Russia will receive a new quality of life, safer and more comfortable. For VTB, participation in this project is an opportunity to develop the business direction for the implementation of concession projects in the field of high technologies in partnership with Rostelecom.