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Gazprom Space Systems (GSS)


JSC Gazprom space systems (till December 1, 2008 - JSC Gascom).

Gazprom - 79,79%
Energy of RKK of S.P. Korolyov - 16,16%
GPB - 4,04%
Shareholders as of December, 2012.
Revenue millions


+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Rosneft of the Tax Code
+ Energy of RKK of S.P. Korolyov


Gazprom space systems provides with satellite communication all affiliated enterprises of JSC Gazprom and also the ministry and department, administration of regions of the Russian Federation, the domestic and foreign companies.

The company is the international operator representing the capacity of the Yamal satellites not only in Russia but also on a considerable part of East hemisphere.

In international market of JSC Gazprom space systems it is positioned as the satellite operator while within Russia the company is also provider of infocommunication services (providing satellite links and data transmissions, services of satellite TV and radio broadcasting, satellite Internet access, services of space monitoring) and the system integrator (creating space and telecommunication systems).


GKS locates grouping from four satellites "Yamal-202", "Yamal-300K", "Yamal-401" and "Yamal-402". At the end of 2018 it is going to start one more device – Yamal-601. Now it is in a production process. In plans of the company – to construct assembly production of spacecrafts in Shchyolkovo.


2021: Plans to enclose in the Sphere program of 100 billion rubles

"Space communication" and Gazprom space systems are going to invest more than 140 billion rubles in the program of the multifunction satellite Sphere system. It became known on February 4, 2021.

Gazprom space systems is going to invest 100 billion rubles. Read more here.

2020: Interview of TAdviser with the deputy chief engineer for IT Vladimirov Koshelkov

Vladimir Koshelkov, the deputy chief engineer for IT of Gazprom space systems company, in an interview of TAdviser told about features of the choice, implementation and operation of an electronic document management system. Read more here.

2019: Agreement with Roskosmos on the basic principles of participation in the project of creation of assembly production of spacecrafts

On November 27, 2019 it became known that JSC Gazprom space systems and Roskosmos state corporation signed the agreement on the basic principles of participation in the project of creation of the assembly production of spacecrafts (APS). Intention of Roskosmos to enter authorized capital of Gazprom of SPKA company is reflected in the document. Read more here.


Growth of revenue of 9%

Revenue of Gazprom space systems (GSS) at the end of 2016 made 5.5 billion rubles – it is 9% more, than in 2015. More than a third of this amount (35%) fell on foreign clients of the satellite operator. 57% of a satellite resource in 2016 were used in a corporate segment. On a share of TV and media 17%, were the share of the state needs – 12%.

Gazprom space systems – in the rating of the World association of teleports

Gazprom space systems got to the world ranking of satellite telecommunication companies made by the World association of teleports (WTA). In the list of the most fast-growing companies which basis is revenue growth of the organizations for the last financial year the structure of Gazprom rose by the fifth line.

In rating both satellite operators, and suppliers of satellite telecommunication services are provided. In total more than one hundred companies which are in public space were estimated. First place in this category was won by Emerging Markets Communications (USA), the Australian SpeedCast and Global Data Systems (USA).

According to originators of rating, total income of the largest operators in 2016 exceeded $12 billion from which $2.7 billion were the share of independent operators. The Russian companies were not included in this list. The three of the largest providers was made by the Luxembourg Intelsat S.A. and SES and also the French Eutelsat.

2012: Yamal-402 satellite

On December 8, 2012 the telecommunication Yamal-402 satellite launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome separated from the Briz-M upper stage for four minutes before estimated time. The official site of Roskosmos reports about it.

In the message it is emphasized that after emergency department Yamal-402 it was taken on management, and now specialists specify the scheme of its dovyvedeniye in a standing point for the purpose of the subsequent commissioning.

According to Interfax with reference to a source in the space-rocket industry, during the fourth inclusion Briz-M worked five instead of nine minutes and could not create a target orbit of Yamal-402 up to the end. This task, added a source, it is necessary to solve at the expense of fuel which is onboard the satellite that can slightly reduce the term of its active existence in an orbit.

The carrier rocket "Proton-M" with the Briz-M upper stage and the Yamal-402 satellite started from Baikonur on December 8 at 5:13 p.m. Moscow time. The upper stage separated from the carrier in the normal mode nine minutes later after start.

Yamal-402 is the geostationary telecommunication device of big dimension created by request of Gazprom space systems company. It will have to fill up grouping of the Russian communication satellites and to provide broadcasting on the territory of Russia, Western and Central Europe and also the Middle East and North Africa.

2011: Start of services based on the SES satellite

In 2011 JSC Gazprom space systems began to render services based on the ASTRA 1F satellite transferred to orbital position 55E under the agreement with the global satellite operator of SES.

2008-2010: The Yamal-100 satellite is taken out of service

There was "restart" of the Yamal-300 project.

Project implementation of creation of two new satellites of high installed power per employee Yamal-401 and Yamal-402 began.

One of old teleports of the company and land complex of control of the operating Yamal-200 satellites is transferred to the telecommunication center of Shchyolkovo.

The Yamal-100 satellite which fulfilled the project resource is taken out of service.

2004-2008: Renaming into Gazprom space systems

The volume of the services provided to federal and commercial users extends. The Yamal system provides with services of satellite communication all types of activity of JSC Gazprom, government institutions, administrations of regions of Russia. The company enters international market and gains his trust. The Yamal-200 satellites are successfully loaded.

Creation of the telecommunication satellite systems for the benefit of the enterprises of JSC Gazprom continues.

The satellite regional teleport based on the Tomsk State University is constructed.

Some more the regional television systems are constructed.

Implementation of the big educational project for "The gymnasia union of Russia" is begun.

The new space Yamal-300 project started.

Construction of the new telecommunication center of the company in Shchyolkovo of the Moscow region is begun.

In 2005 after Nikolay Sevastyanov headed RSC Energia of S.P. Korolyov, Dmitry Sevastyanov becomes the CEO of Gascom.

On December 1, 2008 JSC Gascom is renamed into JSC Gazprom space systems.

1999-2004: Start of the Yamal-201 and Yamal-202 satellites

All networks built by Gascom are transferred to the Yamal-100 satellite.

Creation of communication satellite networks for the benefit of JSC Gazprom continues. These are networks of Tyumentransgaz and Burgaz companies.

The multiservice telecommunication system of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area is created.

The satellite television systems for 16 regions of Russia are constructed.

Services of satellite communication are provided to federal and commercial users.

The third teleport of the company in the settlement Long by Ledovo near Moscow is constructed.

The project of creation of two new Yamal-200 satellites is implemented. At the same time with construction of satellites the land complex of management, a reserve operations control room by satellites, a control and measuring complex is created. The Yamal-200 project for the first time in the Russian practice is performed on the principles of project financing.

On November 24, 2003 the Yamal-201 and Yamal-202 satellites are put to orbit. Yamal-201 got to work in a position of 90 degrees of east longitude", Yamal-202 - in a point of 49 degrees of east longitude.

1995-1999: Start of the Yamal-100 satellite

JSC Gazprom makes the decision on creation of own communication satellite of new generation. Project implementation Yamal-100 within which the modern communication satellite and a land complex of management is created begins.

In parallel there is a creation of the telecommunication satellite systems for the benefit of JSC Gazprom, in particular, of a satellite backbone network of data transmission for affiliated enterprises of JSC Gazprom and telecommunication system with integration of services of Mezhregiongaz and Gazprombank companies. The second teleport of the company at head office JSC Gazprom in Moscow is constructed.

For the first time in Russia Gascom builds and puts the system of satellite multichannel digital TV and radio broadcasting into operation. The center of this system is also constructed in Moscow.

On September 6, 1999 the first satellite of Gascom - Yamal-100 starts into an orbit in a position of 90 degrees of east longitude. With its start Gascom becomes the second Russian satellite operator.

1992-1995: The first communication satellite network

On November 2, 1992 the northern enterprises of JSC Gazprom (Yamburggazdobycha, Tyumenburgaz, Urengoygazprom, Nadymgazprom, Tyumentransgaz) and also RKK "Energiya" of S.P. Korolyov and Gazprombank found Gascom open joint stock company.

Nikolay Sevastyanov becomes the first CEO of the company.

Based on a leased resource of the Horizon satellites Gascom creates the first communication satellite network on northern gas-condensate fields. The first teleport of the company in Moscow region Korolyov is constructed.