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Sberbank of the Russian Federation (India)


Financial Services, Investments and Auditing
New Delhi
Connaught Place, 28 Barakhamba Road, Gopal Das Bhavan

Branch of Sberbank of the Russian Federation in India

Sberbank - 100%


+ Government of the Russian Federation


Branch Manager: Dubensky Dmitry Igorevich



State expansion in India

The largest Russian bank Sber is actively expanding its presence in India, opening a branch in Mumbai and launching an IT hub in Bengaluru. The financial institution continues to increase its staff in this country, as the bank's press service announced at the end of June 2024.

According to RB.RU, Sberbank posted on June 10, 2024 on its official website the vacancy of the director of real estate projects in India. The team of the center of development of the Indian direction is engaged in peep of the expert. The bank is actively expanding its workforce in India amid a growing need for additional space. According to representatives of the financial organization, the new specialist will be engaged in the conclusion and extension of lease agreements, as well as the selection of suitable premises. The duties of the new employee will also include determining the company's needs for new real estate objects abroad and making plans for their acquisition.

Mumbai branch, Bangalore IT hub. Sberbank is actively expanding in India

According to Frank Media, Sberbank has increased plans to hire IT specialists to work at a hub in Bengaluru. According to the publication, the group plans to hire up to 300 IT specialists, which is 100 more people than originally planned.

The IT hub in Bengaluru will develop its own IT solutions for Sberbank's branch in India and its clients, Frank Media quoted a representative of a Russian credit institution as saying.

The first branch of Sberbank in India was opened back in 2010 in New Delhi. It provides a wide range of financial services.

By mid-June 2024, Sberbank is also exploring the possibility of expanding its presence in the region. According to the newspaper, the bank is considering opening a branch in Bangladesh and is negotiating with the Central Bank of this country. Experts note that such an expansion could help strengthen economic ties between Russia and South Asian countries.[1]

Sberbank plans to expand IT development team of its Indian branch to 500 people

As TAdviser found out, Sberbank plans to expand the development team of its Indian branch to more than 500 people in 2024. This is stated in the vacancies of Sberbank, published in February. At the beginning of the year, the team has about 90 IT specialists, some of whom are based in Russia, and some in India.

We are the center of development of the Indian branch of Sberbank. The agile team consists of 90 IT specialists (VP, BA, SA, frontend and backend developers, QA, DevOps) with growth to 500 + people in 2024 - indicated, for example, in the description of the senior/team lead frontend developer vacancy.

The main goal of this team is to create and develop banking products for companies in India, bring the best practices of Russian banking to the Indian market and not only, according to one of the vacancies.

source = Sberbank Press Service
Sberbank expands Agile development team of Indian branch

One of the key projects of the team is the development from scratch of an automated banking system (ABS) for the Indian branch of Sberbank, designed to maintain accounting, product and tax records, as well as manage exchange rates and support the processes of concluding and servicing transactions according to the standards of the host country of the bank's branch.

The system consists of a set of modules: core, accounting, reporting, credit and not only products, Internet bank and anti-fraud system.

The new ABS is being created on the basis of Platform V, Sberbank's own technology platform. And among the current products on the basis of which legacy-ABS works, Flexcube, WebLogic is mentioned. When creating and developing banking products in India, a DevSecOps strategy is being implemented.

From the description of vacancies published on the website of the Indian branch of Sberbank, it follows that the bank also hires local IT specialists to the team in Bengaluru. Knowledge of the Russian language in most of them is noted as a plus in employment, but is not mandatory.

Sber is actively recruiting to offices in Delhi, Mumbai and Bengaluru, a need of over 300 people in Bengaluru. We hire people in two directions. The first is the banking business. The second is the IT hub, which opened in Bengaluru at the end of 2023, for which we select IT specialists from the following profiles: business and systems analyst, frontend and backend developers, quality assurance engineers. The team will technically support the work of the bank's Indian branch and develop and implement digital banking products in India, explained TAdviser at Sberbank.

The bank hires both Russian and Indian citizens on a territorial basis in this geodistributed team.

We offer decent motivation both in the fixed part and in the bonus part, the possibility of continuous training, team events, career development, a busy corporate life, internships in Russia are provided for Indians. In our branch, an open corporate culture, where the contribution of each employee is valued, values ​ ​ are supported and shared ("I am a leader, we are a team, everything is for the client"). The most important thing is that our new employees will be able to gain unique experience in creating B2B products from scratch that are not yet on the market, will be able to develop the Indian banking sector together with Sberbank and develop innovative technological solutions, Sberbank noted.

2023: Getting permission to open an IT office in Bengaluru

The Sberbank branch in India has received permission from the Reserve Bank of India to set up an IT unit in Bengaluru. Representatives of Sberbank reported this to TAdviser on July 20, 2023. The IT office will also house its own Data Processing Center (DPC) of the bank.

Sberbank creates a large IT unit in India

Bangalore, the third most populous city in India, the largest scientific and industrial center of the country, specializes in the production of aerospace and engineering industries, electronics, and the development of information technology.

Sberbank's New Delhi branch provides a wide range of financial services. It is planned that the office in Bengaluru will operate only in the field of information technology development.

"Bangalore is often called the" Indian Silicon Valley, "symbolically that in this city Sberbank is implementing an international IT project. The hub in Bengaluru will not only provide the technological component of the work of our Indian branch, but also develop and implement new digital products for its clients, "said Anatoly Popov, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of Sberbank.

It is planned that in the future, up to 200 IT specialists will work in this unit, the top manager added.

2010: New Delhi Branch Registration

In September 2010, the Bank of Russia registered a branch of Sberbank of the Russian Federation in India. In May 2010, Sberbank of Russia received a banking license in New Delhi and completed the necessary branch registration procedures as soon as possible. At the stage of formation of the new division, its main task will be the formation of a strategic bridgehead in the Indian market, which will allow the Bank to maintain high growth rates of the group's business as a whole in the long term.